Friday, August 31, 2012

Paper Towns #3

After searching endlessly for Margo, Quentin finally locates Margo and doesn't suspect the reaction that he gets from her. When he and his friends get to her she walks away and has a lack interest in their arrival. She acts like she has more important things to be doing and at they are just wasting her time. After calming down a bit Quentin and Margo sit down to talk and he realizes that Margo has no intentions of returning to Orlando. She wants to stay in New York and escape from the town where she lived all her life. Margo does offer Quentin the chance to run away with her, but he refuses saying it isn't what's right for him. In the end they part ways and continue their separate lives without, going two completely different directions.

Paper Towns #2

One important part of this book is the experience that Margo and Quentin share when finding a man dead in the park, when they were both very young. This detail of the story shows one thing that will always keep Margo and Quentin together no matter what. Finding the man in the park was a traumatic experience for both characters and it is something that they will never forget. Quentin remembers this memory often when he thinks of his relationship with Margo and knows that that memory is something they will always share.

hole in my life 3

As predicted, Jack got caught with drugs and is now in trouble. If you get involved with the wrong people this is what can happen. Rik threw Jack under the bus and he now has to face jail time. When he got out of jail, he got a job as a medical assitant in the prison and was then a free man. He accomplished all his goals and became a writer. Jail changed him for the better.

hole in my life 2

I think it is a very bad idea for Jack to get involved with Rick and Hamilton. They went to New York to sell drugs so they'd get $10,000 dollars for college. If I were in Jack's shoes, I would have came up with a different way to make money, like getting a job or something along those lines. Selling drugs is a crime and can get you in a lot of trouble. I predict that something bad is going to happen to Jack, he is going to get in some kind of trouble because of who he's getting involved with.

hole in my life 1

After part 1 of this book, I believe that everything is happening for a certain reason. There are a lot of obstacles that are encountering him. For example, after he turned down the offer of attending the University of Florida, Tim called him. Also, when he was planning on going home to see his family, a hurricane strikes and delays his visit. I believe that by him turning down the offer of attending the University of Florida for creative writing, fate is bringing is destiny back to him. I feel like Jack is going to face a lot more problems, and they're not going to be easy. He's going to write about it all and improve his writing ability all on his own.

Hole in my life 3

Like I predicted, Jack got caught selling drugs and now he is in trouble. Rik snitched on Jack and without a doubt he was going to face jail time. After some jail time he was offered a job in medical assistance in the prison and then became a free man. Later in his life, he accomplished his goals and became a writer.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 2

An important event that occured in the story was when Rachel's Aunt Loretta passes away suddenly from the allergic reaction to the medicine. This was an important event because when Rachel's mom passed away this was the one person she had that acted as a mother figure to her and helped her through everything in her life. It was the one person she had left from all her family to help her get through tough situations. It was tragic because everyone close to her dies.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 2

I was very shocked to read that Rachel's Aunt Loretta passed away. I think this is a very important part in the story because with Rachel's mom dead, and her dad not around, she needs someone in her life that she can look up to and someone who can guide her in the right direction. Even though she will still have her grandmother around, she doesn't quite understand her like her aunt did. This can affect they way Rachel will act in the future, seeing as she keeps losing people who are close to her.

defending jacob 3

I now believe that Jacob did commit the crime of killing Ben and also the girl at the end of the book. When the last section of the court was needed at the end of the book, it made no sense to me. However, I now believe that Jacob did kill Ben. The last section made it clear that Laurie knew that Jacob killed Ben all along. The knife in the water as well as Andy never getting supported explains everything. I did not expect this ending at all.

Hole in my Life 1

I just finished Part 1 and I truly believe that everything is happening for a reason. When Jack said that fate brought him everywhere that he is now, I totally agree with him. Tim called up Jack shortly after he declined the offer to attend University of Florida where he was going to school for creative writing. A roadblock gets put in the way for Jack to go to school until when Tim left, which means he finally can go. On his journey to eventually go back with his family, a hurricane strikes which delays his visit. While his journey is delayed, he goes and stops at Elizabeth Bishop's house and Hemingway's house and stops to write. I truly believe that since he turned down writing at University of Florida, fate is bringing it back to him. 

I predict that Jack is going to have to face a lot more obstacles, tough ones, and ends up writing about all of it and improves his writing ability all by himself.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky

In the beginning of the story when they first introduce Jamie, I was confused with what he had to do with anything. But as I kept reading I realized that when he witnessed a bird falling out of the sky, it was really Rachel and her family. I find it ironic, that although Jamie never even knew Rachel, that he could have such an important role in her life. If he had never had the drive to find her, she would never have found out about why her father didn't want to be around her. Roger didn't want to be around her because he knew that what he did to his first son was wrong, and he didn't want to put Rachel at risk of getting hurt.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 1

I can imagine how the story would be much different if Brick's life haden't gone down the path it did. Bricks mom wasn't always there for him and didnt care much for him, so thats what led him to Rachel and have the urgency to find her. If Brick's mom was there for him he might have never fallen into Rachels life, and she would of never learned the story of why her father did not want to be around her. This all worked out good though because it shows how everything happened for a reason. It gave Rachel some peace in mind knowing that her father wasn't there because he didnt want to hurt her or have anything happen to her because of his alcohalic problems. If Brick never had the bad experiences with his mom, Rachel would of never learned any of this.

defending jacob 2

At this point in the book, I think Jacob is innocent because he does not seem like the type of person to commit a crime like this. He seems like a good kid with morals. He comes from a well rounded family that would never teach him to do bad things.

defending jacob 1

In the novel defending Jacob, Andy Barber is a well known and respected attorney. They describe him as a good man with a good family. He was living the best life he could ask for when everything turned around. I was so surprised when his son was charged with murder, it was shocking and made me want to keep reading.

Hole in my life 2

I on't think it was smart of Jack to team up with Rik and Hamilton. He went to New York to sell some drugs so that he could get his 10 thousand dollars and go to college. If I were Jack, I would have came up with the money a different way because doing something like this could come back and get you in trouble. You shuldn't take shortcuts, like this, in life.

paper towns 3

The most important thing in part 3 was when Margo read her story to Quentin about the man that they found when they were little dead. It occurs oronic because in reality Quentin is very sheltered and quiet, but in the story she wrote he is very adventourous and willing to take challenges. The orinic part is that in the end of the book Quentin does becomes those things that Margo described him as in the story she wrote. For example, he took the challenge of going all the way to New York, not knowing what to expect.

Hole in my life 1

I thought that Jack was starting to do something good in his life. First, he was kicked out of the Bacon's house for drinking too much and throwing up in the house. However, when he got his own place he started to read more and wasn't drinking as much. He learned new vocab words and other ideas by writing in his journal. He took the right step to the start of trying to have a successfull life.

A long Way down 3

I think one very important scene is when they're all on top of the building and the other man they dont know come up. He goes to jump and they try to talk him out of it but he jumps anyway. I think think this puts a image in their heads that once you jump theres no way of changing your mind or making wrong things right. Yes, if they jump all the wrongs will be gone but then your life is over and there is no way of changing that.

A Long Way Down 2

Im so glad that in the end all the characters realize that life isnt that bad and they decide to wait another six months. I think that they have made a great choice just to see how life goes in the next few months because seeing how the first ninety days werent so bad so they can help eachother keep pushing through their problems. As a team i hope they keep acheiving the goal of not jumping of of the building.

A long Way Down 1

I think JJ changed when he realized that he was now making money delivering pizza. He used to tour all across the country and gave up his rock star carreer for Lizzy and in the end Lizzy dumped him any way. Then JJ went and compared his ambition for suicide with the ones of other well known musicians.

Paper Town #2

I just discovered that my prediction previously stated about Q and Margo's relationship improving, was correct. Margo just showed up outside of Q's window asking for him to join her on a eleven step journey. She insists that it will be the best night of his life, Q was hesitant at first, but something about this adventure excited him. In each in every step there is a precise plan that Margo has organized. Q doesnt do much but drive her to and from each place, but by the end of the night learns something new about Margo, and how she sees life in Orlando as a "paper" town with "paper" people. Meaning that everything and everyone is flimsy and fake. This analogy makes me think to understand it, just like Q does in the novel. I predict that after this night Q and Margo will wind up together.

Ghosts of War 3

Its crazy how being around war plays with your mind once your clear of it. Ryan got his leave and came home for a party for his sisters graduation. Ryan got to see his family and his extended family and all was well at the party until a balloon pooped and Ryan thought it was a gunshot. It is crazy how your war experience can change your thoughts and mess up your head. I wonder how long it would take before you could live a completely normal life after the war, and how much theropy would you need?

Paper Towns #1

As I start to read Paper Towns I know this is going to be a great read. The main character, Quinten, is a typical teenager. He fantasizes over his next-door neighbor and childhood friend, Margo Roth Spiegelman, goes to a public highschool, and plays a video game called, Resurrection, on a day to day basis with his best friends Radar and Ben. I am immediately able to relate with Q's boredom with school and relationship with his parents. As the book continues, I predict that his relationship with Margo will become as close as it was when they were young.

Hole in my life 3

Jack learns a lot from his time in jail. At first he is very scared and has hard getting used to the idea of prison.  But after he is transferred and get a cell all to himself he starts to relax more. He volunteers to be an x-ray technician for the prison and does a lot of work to keep himself busy. When he is in his cell, he keeps a journal in a book he got from the prison library. This is where he blossoms as a writer. Before prison he could only come up with random ideas, but couldn't actually put anything together. In prison he realizes he has a lot more to write about then he thought. At first he writes about his experiences in jail, then he decides to write about his childhood. Eventually, he applies to go to a college in New York and gets accepted. When   his parole board sees this, they give him a date to be released. After fifteen months he is released from prison. After getting out, Jack leads a much better life and eventually succeeds to fulfill his dream of becoming a writer.     

Ghosts of War

I really like the idea of Ryan joining the military especially because he's such a smart, mature teenager & his experience with 9/11. I'm curious at what's to happen when he's sent over during a war. When he said he's most likely going to do construction, not fighting, I predict that he's actually going to have to fight & something bad is going to happen.

Hole in my life 2

I was not very surprised when the FBI caught Jack, after all the book tells you in the beginning that he goes to prison. However, I was surprised at how he got caught. After they arrive safely in New York, they meet Rik and begin to sell the hash. Everything goes very smoothly and they have almost sold all of it when the FBI finds them. Hamilton gets caught but somehow Jack manages to make it all the way to Florida and back to King's Court. There, he calls his dad who advises him to turn himself in. When Jack returns to New York and hands himself in, we find out the Rik told the FBI about the operation. This was surprising because Hamilton said if you get caught its always because of a snitch, but I never expected the snitch to be Rik.

Paper Towns 3

When Quentin and his friends find Margo she is dissapointed to see them. She is very rude towards them even though they missed graduation to come find her. She also doesn't realize the amount of work and effort Quentin put into finding her. I didn't like how this story ended. I thought it would have been much more exciting if Margo came home, but instead she leaves again. Overall, however, this was a good book.

Paper Towns 2

I am surprised that Quentin joins Margo when she asks for his help. I think he is relieved to know that she has not forgotten about him. He believes that this is a start to something new and that they can be friends again. However, I think he is going to get himself into trouble by joining her.

Paper Towns 3

I was disappointed when Margo wasn’t happy that Q found her. I truly thought that when Q found her she was going to be very excited and they were going to get together. This ruined the book for me. I thought that if John Green ended it different it would have been a better book.

Paper Towns 2

I predict that Margo will be nowhere near the "pseudodivisions.” I think this because there is still a lot of the book left and if Margo was their then I don’t know how the book would go on for this long. I also think that if she was there then the book wouldn’t be a good book. It would just be a mediocre book that ended too soon.

Paper Towns 1

I can imagine what it is like to grow apart from your best friend as you get older. Like Q, when I was younger my best friend was a girl and as we got older we grew apart. Unlike Q and Margo the reason that my best friend and I grew apart was because we went to different schools. As we got older we made new friends and gradually stopped hanging out. A few years after we stopped hanging out, we got together one afternoon. It was weird, kind of like it was for Q and Margo.

hole in my life 3

i saw a character change when Jack Gantos went into prison and when he got out. his plans after his sentence in jail was to go to college, which was different because before he went into jail he had no interest in going to college. all he wanted to do was write books. i think the most important scene in this book is when jack accepts to go on the boat and help sell the hash. this is important because jack was always nervous about being caught, and not too long after when almost all the hash is sold, they are caught.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Long Way Down #2

The middle of the book made me think it was better. The turn feelings in the book from everyone made it less eerie and gave the book a more positive outlook. Jess was the one who made everyone switch their decisions and she also cleared up her issue with Chas. She stood up for herself, this is what made me decide that Jess was the "leader" of the group. It is starting to get better now and a little bit more exciting, but still not at its full potential. Hopefully the end will be top the book off.

defending jacob 1

If any ones son or daughter ever was blamed of a killing then most likely the parent will agree with there son or daughter. It must be hard for Jacob because at this point in the book we aren't sure if he is innocent or guilty. He is innocent in my opinion because he doesn't seem like someone who could ever do something like that. He seems like a good guy and doesnt act like he wanted or wants to hurt anyone.

Paper Towns 1

In the beginning of the story, Quentin and Margo take a trip to their local park. While they are there they notice the corpse of a man sitting by a tree. They are both hesitant at first but Margo wants to know more. They later find out that the man is Robert Joyner, a man who was recently divorced. This short section of the story shows the reader Quentin and Margo's personalities. Margo is eager to know what happened and keeps walking closer to the scene. Quentin, however, stays back and is cautious. He continuously tells Margo to be careful and not get too close.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 3

I predict that Chris will use his math knowledge to solve the mystery. Even though he is very anti-social, Chris is very smart and loves animals. I beleive these skills will help him capture the dog killer. I also predict that when he does catch the dog killer not many people will beleive him at first because of his illness but in the end, Christopher will be victorious.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 2

It would be a different world if everybody was like Christopher. He has social problems and has a hard time with his emotions. As i was reading i was wondering what the world would be like and it would be very differnt. People wouldnt be able to start conversations easily and they would be awkward. The world would have very little emotion besides being happy and sad.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 1

When i close my eyes i can picture the look in Christophers' eyes when he spots the dog lying on the ground with the picth fork in it. Yet at the same time i can notice the lack of fear he has goin outside, kneeling next to the dog, pulling the pitchfork out, and hugging the dog. Christopher being a sufferer of Autism has a hard time showing emotions and i can see this as Mrs.Shears runs throughy her gate and yells at Chris to get off the dog.

Hole in my life #3

I can imagine what its like to lose the Karamazov journal. To Jack it was a great loss, like one of a relative. It had great writing in it and memories for Jack and i can relate that to loosing my grandmother. You accumulate memories and you love that person and loosing him/her or "it" is heart breaking. On the other hand you have other relatives that your also really close to like Jack and his other journals and writing.

Hole in my life #2

It doesn't make sense that Jack would want to be in jail. "It was sexy to imagine myself in prison." I find this very weird because who would ever wanna picture themselves in a prison cell full of murderers and robbers? At the same time during his life he was moving around and aftyer dealing with the "Bacon family" it might have been easy to find himself in a prisoners shoes.

Hole in my life #1

I like how the character is being introduced in the beginning of the story. It gives a backround on how he grew up and how his father taught showed him all the inmates who had gotten out of prison. I find this very ironic because he ends up in jail himself.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 3

After reading the book, I think that Cristopher had learned how to forgive his father. At first, when he found out that his father hid the letters, and killed the dog, he ran away and then didn't want to return or speak to him again, but then Christopher's trust to his father started rebuilding. His father got him another dog, and they gardened togther.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 2

I thought it was messed up how this whole time Christopher thought his mother was dead, but really she was living in London with Mr. Shears. I think it was messed up that that Christopher's father hid those letters from him, while his mother was waiting for a response. Also, I was kind of surprised that Christopher's father had killed Wellington. I didn't really think that he was the one that did it.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 1

I think that Christopher is a very interesting character and makes this book more interesting once you start to read the first couple chapters. He is deffinately very different, and sees the world in ways most people don't. I also think that Christopher's most defining characteristic is his inability to imagince what another person is thinking of feeling.

Hole In My Life 3

I'm so glad that Jack was released from jail earlier than he thought and decided that he was going to go back to school. I liked how he was determined to get his life back together even though it may have seemed impossible at the moment. Overall he did have many struggles in his life but reading about his experience makes me  think that I can be a better person and if I set my mind to a goal I can do it. The memoir opened my eyes and taught me that there are people with worse situations and they can overcome it, and I can do the same.

Hole In My Life 2

I predict that Rik will just leave and not pay Hamilton and Jack once they get to New York. Rik seemed like a shady character to me and it seemed to easy for them to just sail a ship to New York and get paid 10,000 dollars cash. I feel like that's too easy and in life it doesn't work that way. There will always be obstacles in the way.

Hole In My Life 1

When I close my eyes I can picture Jack in the ship hunched down writing in his ship log. I can see him staring right through the ocean and listening to how quiet it was. He even stated "No birds. No noise. No clouds. No wind" (85). I think it was good for Jack to keep a log and write what happened everyday because that can help him become a better a writer. Even though he left everything unfinished, writing a bit everyday can help rather than not writing at all. 

3. Defending Jacob

The most important scene was when Andy found the knife in Jacob's dresser drawer. Andy must have felt scared to even think that his son would commit a crime. I'm so glad that Jacob's father was their through thick and thin with him. In my opinion, I believe that Andy was doing the right think of defending his son and his family. However I disagree, that Andy waited so long to tell his work that he found the knife because the crime could have possibly been solved a long time ago. He would have known if his son was guilty or not.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 3

I predict that Christopher will never forgive his father. I can imagine what its like to be lied to. Also, i think that Christopher and his father will get closer but not close enough to live with each other again. Christopher's father is trying to gain his trust back by getting him a puppy and gardening with him. Some questions i have are: Was moving with his mom a better choice? and Will Christopher visit his dad more often because they are getting closer and he has Sandy?

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 2

When i close my eyes i see Christopher alone in the train station. I can picture him being scared and feeling alone. If i were Christopher i would be scared too. I never thought he would run away by himself. I predict that he will get to his mothers house but nobody will be there. I saw a character change when Christopher went from being brave at Mrs. Shears house when he held the dog to scared being be himself trying to find his way to London to be with his mom.

2. Defending jacob

I predict that the police will find the knife in the garbage and Jacob's fingerprints will be on it. Andy might loose his job because he did not tell his work that he found the knife. Even though he was defending his son because he did not think he was guilty. It surprised me how this book was set up because in the beginning it was calm and toward the middle it started to get exciting. I wanted to keep reading to find out who committed the crime. 

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Blog Three)

After Christopher makes the decision to run away from home and travel by train to his mother's house, I can predict that Christopher's father will find him before he makes it to his mother's house. I think this because Christopher's father quickly discovered that Chris went missing and went out to search for him immediately. His father also knows that Christoper knows that his mother is still alive so his father can make the conclusion that Chris has run off to live with her. When Chris's father finds Chris, I think that Chris will hit his father and scream. I think this because not only is Chris angry with his father for lying to him, but also Chris hates being touched and tends to cause scenes.

1. defending jacob

I can't imagine what it was like for Andy to find a knife in his son Jacob's drawer. Andy must have been shocked of the fact that Jacob could have been caught guilty of the murder. It was Andy's job to find out who killed Ben. Andy and his wife had a talk about this for a while and wanted to ask Jacob about it first before they would report it to the police. I agree with this decision because the parents shouldn't assume that their son could possibly be responsible for killing Ben.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Blog Two)

I am glad that Christopher finally discovers the truth about his mother, however, it is sad how he found out she is still alive by finding the letters she wrote him which were hidden by his father. If Christopher never did discover those letters he may have never known that she was still alive. There was no guarantee that Chris's father would ever tell Chris the truth about his mother so I am happy that Chris was able to discover the truth on his own even though the truth did hurt him.  

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 1

The most important scene is when Christopher's father confesses to killing Wellington and lying about his mother being dead. Since Christopher found out that his dad has been keeping these things from him he wonders what could happen next. This causes Christopher to take his Swiss Army Knife and food and leave the house to go to London. I agree with Christopher that it was a good idea to leave the house. This was a good idea because what if Christopher got into a fight with his dad? What could of happened to him?

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Blog One)

I agreed with Christopher when he was mad at his father after discovering that he has kept all of the letters Christopher's mother has sent him and was lying about her being dead. If I was Christopher I would have felt betrayed by my father and would be upset that he had lied to me. I think it will be hard for Christopher's father to earn Chris's trust back.

Ghosts of War 3

I think it's crazy that Ryan stopped having night terrors by seeing a silhouette of a person in his dream. I also think his teacher in college having him write a story and then read it to the class was a big thing. Writing mkes Ryan feel better. He keeps writing about the war and thats how he wrote books. The main thing I learned from Ryan and his stor is that without faith we are nothing. I think it is so weird how war helped Ryan become a writer.

Ghosts of War 2

I feel bad that Ryan can only visit his family for alittle while and then has to go back to Iraq. I think that it must be hard fOr him to see his family and then have to leave again so fast. If I only could see my family for alittle while and then have to leave I would be heartbroken. I can't imagine what Ryan is Going through. I would not want to be in his position. I feel really bad that Ryan had to be with staying away from his family. I can't imagine how hard this was for Ryan.

Along Way Down 2

When Jess brought everyone together at Starbucks and everyones families, I think that she thought it would go way better then it did. Jess ended up walking out because she was fighting with her parents. JJ went in the street to fight with his friend.Martin got jealous of the guy that Penny was talking to, and Maureen told people she didn't know about her going to commit suicide.

Ghosts of War 1

I was surprised that 9/11 made Ryan want to join the military. I was surprised because right when he was old enough Ryan joined. Ryan thought that it was his responsibility to serve. Ryan chose to join the reserves and had to go to Iraq when it was his turn. He became a construction equipment operator. I respect that Ryan decided to serve his country.

Hole in my Life #3

The ending was the best part because everything worked out for Jack and also he turned his life around. He wanted to become a writer and his dream came true. He did some crazy things to have his dream come true. If you want your dreams to come true you have to work hard and believe in yourself. Jack did that and he became a writer.

Hole in my Life #2

I think Jack made the wrong decision to team up with Rik and Hamilton who are both drug dealers. Jack went on a trip to New York to sell hash with two drug dealers. Jack only did this because he could get $10,000 and go to college. If I was in Jack's situation I wouldn't have gone with two drug dealers to New York to sell hash just to get $10,000. I would stay away from these people.

Hole in my Life #1

When I first read this book made me realize how lucky I am to have a family that cares for me and that I have a good education. Jack wasn't so lucky because he made some bad choices in his life. I thought it was a good idea for Jack to go back to Florida to get a good education if  he wanted to become a writer.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Long Way Down #1

The start of the book shocked me and gave me mixed emotions about the book. It was weird to start with because it was talking all about death and suicide. I don't really find the book exciting or interesting because that topic doesn't appeal to me. I think the book will get slightly better, hopefully. So far, the book isn't that great and is actually quite boring. I'm starting to find out the reasons as to why the people would kill themselves, and hopefully it will make more sense now.

3. Hole in my life

I am so glad that at the end everything worked out for Jack and he was able to turn his life around. He looked forward in becoming a writer because that was his dream for so long. This is what happens when you want something so bad you will do what ever it takes to make it happen. Just like Jack changed himself so his dream would come true.

2. Hole in my life

Unfortunately, Jack wasn't able to fix all of his problems because he began to drink and had to leave the house he was staying at in Florida. I agree with this choice because him being kicked out of the house taught him a lesson. He was able to think of what he did. Jack knew what he did was wrong and he was the only one that can change that. He thought everything would happen for him and that he would be able to change himself very quickly,  but it wasn't that easy.

Woman Warrior 2

I found the section where the narrator’s mother goes to medical school where she fights some sort of spirit very interesting and very confusing at the same time. I didn’t quite understand whether or not the mother felt some sort of presence or simply lied or exaggerated to her friends about the event. The section describing the different types of ghosts in the Chinese culture of that time was intriguing as well. It was the first time I have heard about the idea of there being many types of spirits.

1. Hole in my Life

Reading this book made me think how lucky I am to have a family that cares for me and to have a good education. Jack wasn't so lucky. He has made some poor choices throughout his life. When he was in jail he realizes that he has to change his life around for the better in a significant way and he managed to do that in time. I thought Jack made a good decision to move to Florida to get a good education because he needed a good education if he wants to become a writer.

3. Along way down

As I kept reading, toward the end of the book i started to notice a change in the way the characters were acting. They were making better choices and thinking about something before they do it. I am so glad that the characters waited to make a decision about committing suicide. They talked about it with each other and thought twice which is the best thing you can do in a situation like this. I agree with the author when he shows the characters talking out their issues because nobody's life is perfect and sometimes we have to deal with the problems we have because they can't always be fixed. If we think positive the hard times can get better.

2. A long way down

I predict that that Jess would not be able to help change her friends minds of committing suicide because they always had negative attitudes. I hoped that J.J, Martin and Maureen would change their minds because they don't know what they have until it's gone. To me, It doesn't make sense that they want to commit suicide because they are still so young and they must have a great future set for them. Everyone has their own problems that they are dealing with but if you have a friend to help you get through it everything will be okay in the end. I liked how the author set up this book by showing each persons point of view and showing their struggles. It made the book more interesting.

1. A long way down

The main characters Jess, Martin, J.J and Maureen need to learn to settle there problems differently because wanting to commit suicide every time something does not go right is not the best thing to do. The character that stood out the most to me was Jess because she was the bravest one out of the four. She kept her head up high and had a positive attitude.She didn't listen to what people thought of her. Jess was a good role model to her friends.

3. The curious incident of the dog in the night- time

I am so glad that Christopher left his home that him and his father lived in together. Christopher was receiving letters from his mother who lived in London and he thought that it might be better if he lived with her instead of his father because he would be safe. I agree with Christopher's decision when he left his home because it was not a good idea to live with his father when he was lied to and was guilty of killing the dog. In my opinion, Christopher has a better chance living with his mom because he will be able to get the help and support he needs to look forward to his future. I enjoyed reading this book very much, it kept my interest.

2. The curious incident of the dog in the night-time

I predict that Christopher will run away from his father because he knows that it is not safe to live with him.  Christopher has been lied to about so much and his father kept a lot of secrets away from him. I never thought about a father keeping the truth from his son. The father should have been very truthful from the start with Christopher even though there was other things going on in his life.

1.The curious incident of the dog in the night-time

I cant imagine what it's like to find a dog laying on the ground with a fork sticking out of it. The boy Christopher was very brave when he saw this happen and he did the right thing. He happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time when Mrs. Shears; the owner of the dog thought automatically Christopher killed the dog. Christopher had a lot going on in his family. He recently found out that his mother passed away. It must of been really hard for him since he was young and never saw her because he lived with his dad. It turns out that his father was lying about the mother being dead because he did not want Christopher to know about the past. The most important scene is when Christopher found out that his mother did not die and also his father killed Wellington; the dog.

3. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

I'm so glad that Chris finally found his mom and her house and made it there without getting caught by his father. Chris was scared and I believe he has a right to go live with his mom and if he's frightened by his dad then it's his choice to run away from him. His father was wrong for lying to Chris and keeping secrets from him. I can't imagine how confused Chris must have felt when he found out. I would have done the same thing that Chris has and run away if I was being lied to most of my life by someone that I trusted.

2. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

I predict that Christopher's father will find him on the train but Chris will try to escape and make a scene. I predict this because Chris is known for hitting people and screaming when they touch him or get near him. For example, Chris hit the police when he started touching him and Chris didn't like that. He also doesn't want to get caught by his father so I believe he will do anything to try and get away from him.

1. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

It didn't make sense when Chris found the letters that were written to him from his mom because his mother was supposed to be dead. Why would his father lie to him? Is his mom okay now? Where is she? Why doesn't Chris know about the letters? These were the questions that left me wondering when I found out that Chris's mom had been writing to him for all this time.

A Long Way Down 3

When Jess was talking about her sister Jen, I predicted that she still was alive because there was no body found and maybe she did runaway. I liked how Jess was optimistic about her sister's situation and not like the others who thought that Jen was dead for sure. I was a bit disappointed in the end because I didn't find out where Jen was and was she still alive. That left me wondering whether Jess was right and she was fine and living somewhere else.

Hole in My Life 3

Im so glad that Jack was able to turn things around in his life. When he got out of jail he set to pursue his dream of becoming a writer. He has succeeded in doing so. It goes to show that anything is possible even if things get hard in life. Just look at Jack. He didn't excel early on during high school then ended up in jail, but now turned his life around and fulfilled his dream of becoming a writer.

Hole in My Life 2

I strongly disagreed with Jack's decision to sail the boat full of hash to New York. I know that he was desperate for money so he could go to college and become a writer, but he could've found some other way. Nobody should ever take the easy way out which Jack did. There is always other options you just have to be patient and things will go your way. Now Jack ended up arrested and in jail for something that could've easily been avoided.

Hole In My Life 1

I thought that Jack made a good decision to move back to Florida to go back to school. His parents didn't do the best thing for him to take him out of school and make him work. If you don't have a high school degree you aren't going to get very far in life. But Jack tried to help himself out and go back to school and become a writer. However he didn't exactly reach his potential. Jack began drinking alcohol and was soon kicked out of the house where he was staying.

The Curious Incident of THe Dog And The Night Time- 3

When Judy left Mr. Shears to live with Christopher i felt like he was finally getting to live the life he deserved. He wasn't living thinking falsely about his mothers death, with his father. He also got to take his A-level mathamatics, which is what he loves to do. Allthough, he is know terrified of his father and wants him to be put in jail, the book ends up good for Christopher. He is hopeful about his future, and content with his past.

The Curious Incident of THe Dog And The Night Time- 2

It was interesting when i read about Christophers book that he records all his experiences in. I thought it was very neat to see how a mentally dissabled child views things and is alble to talk, or in this case write, about his life. It put a different perspective on simple things that I wouldn't ordinarily think of the way he does.

The Currious Incident of The Dog And The Night Time- 1

I was suprised when Christopher hit the police officer when he touched him. Allthough Christopher is mentally disabled, he knows when he feels safe and when he doesn't, so i would have thought he would have felt safe with the police officer.

A Long Way Down 2

I agree with the author at the end when the characters didn't have to decide at that moment about committing suicide or not but giving it another six months. I agree because the author was being real and didn't just write the characters decided not to kill themselves and live happily ever after because in reality it doesn't happen that way. Life is hard and you don't know what will happen and no one is guaranteed that they will live happily ever after. There are problems and struggles that people will have to get through and I feel like Hornby did a great job displaying that through the characters. Each of them had their own struggling situation which made the book even more real and believable.

A Long Way Down 1

My favorite character in this books was Jess because I liked her personality and how she wasn't afraid to say what was really on her mind, even though it could be hurtful sometimes. JJ, Martin and Maureen didn't really like her because she was sharp and said what she felt no matter what . Jess has lashed out at Martin, JJ and Maureen about how messed up their life was. The others didn't want to hear about that, but Jess was just being real and the others weren't prepared to hear the reality of their situations. For me, that was the reason why I liked Jess. She didn't care about what others thought about her and how people judged her. Jess was an individual who stood out for out of all 4 of the main characters.

Long way down 3

I saw a character change when Martin showed the article about the 90 suicides and that they should wait until they know for sure that they hate there life's and end it like that

Paper towns 3

My favorite character in this book is Quentin because he is real to everybody. I enjoyed reading about him while he went on his jounrey to find Margo. And Quentin friends adds to everything, their friendship is the real deal they add so much to the story just by the little details they tell us in the book. And also how they always interact and get along.

A Long Way Down #3

The most important scene in the book is when JJ, Jess, Maureen, and Martin discuss a scientology article he read. It said that the crisis period last 90 days. They had already gone through 46 out of the 90. So they each decided they would make a pact and wait. This is the most important scene because it showed they thought there was a chance of life getting better. This is different from New Year's were they thought no matter what they did there circumstances wouldn't improve, and they had no other choice but to jump. The 90 days were also a time frame where they were able to mend their problems and lost relationships. Those three months for them were the difference between life and death.

Long way down 2

  1. I'm so glad that they all help each other out like how they helped Jess find her ex boyfriend chas and how the planned a vacation for maureen

Long way down 1

I thought it was very strange how they all met at the tower trying to commit suicide and become friends it was just a strange coincidence

Paper towns 2

When Quentin wasn't any closer to finding out that Margo was absolutly alive, it never stoped Quentin from laughing or talking about prom. I'm so glad that Having MArgo away that it didnt stop Quentin from living his life still while on the look for Margo. The emotions were continued even through the main plot line when it was a serious one. John Green did a fantastic job by making senior year so fantastic. It was happy, sad, fun, scary, but in the end its all left with what happened next.

A Long Way Down #2

In the book, all four characters had a character change in common which was deciding not to commit suicide. At Toppers' House on New Year's Eve, JJ, Maureen, Jess, and Martin knew they were going to jump that night because they felt there was nothing to live for anymore. Throughout the book after they decided to wait till 90 days were up, all four of them changed a lot. For example, JJ in the end of the book finds out Lizzie never intended on dumping him, he also met back with Eddie, and starts busking so he can get back his music career again. Maureen had gotten the vacation she much needed, a job to get her out of the house, and she even got enough courage to go back to church. Another change is she learned to live a little, like in the beginning swearing bothered her but in the end it didn't even phase her. She even began to learn she could leave Matty for a little while. Jess, after talking to Nodog, had learned not to yell as much and reason. Even though most of what Nodog said was just to make her feel better. He said you should go up and offer yourself to God all the time and somehow he got through to her and changed her mind about life. Last, Martin made an effort to change. Martin decides to teach a year eight pupil, named Pacino, at a comprehensive school how to read. It is a challenge because Pacino does not want to read but Martin is determined to teach him. Before this Martin wouldn't have even taught his own two daughters to read.

A Long Way Down 3

In the end, I think it was a good idea for them to go thier separate ways. I think they all need to get on with thier lives and if they continued seeing each other it would keep reminding them of this bad time in thier lives.

Hole in my life 1

So far I think this has been a good book. I feel like Jack takes a lot of things for granted. When he was living with the Bacon family he often came home drunk, or smoked cigarettes inside. I wasn't surprised that they kicked him out because they were going though a hard time and he was making things worse. Then after he graduated, he was living at King's Court and working at a grocery store. When he realized his life was going nowhere, he decide to go back to St. Croix to work for his father again. But when he arrived, he found out that his dad's company wasn't doing well, and he had to work just for a place to stay. I think he should have stayed in Florida and tried harder to find a college he liked.