Friday, August 31, 2012

Paper Town #2

I just discovered that my prediction previously stated about Q and Margo's relationship improving, was correct. Margo just showed up outside of Q's window asking for him to join her on a eleven step journey. She insists that it will be the best night of his life, Q was hesitant at first, but something about this adventure excited him. In each in every step there is a precise plan that Margo has organized. Q doesnt do much but drive her to and from each place, but by the end of the night learns something new about Margo, and how she sees life in Orlando as a "paper" town with "paper" people. Meaning that everything and everyone is flimsy and fake. This analogy makes me think to understand it, just like Q does in the novel. I predict that after this night Q and Margo will wind up together.

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