Friday, August 10, 2012

the cruious incident of the dog at night time 2

Chris learns why his father is being so uptight about things, when mS. Shears, the woman who owned the slain dog, is going out with Chris's dad! The storyline gets messy when Chris finds out Mr Shesrs was going out with Chrises mother, and now niehter of them are around, so something just doesnt seem quite right. Next, the reader learns that Chris is a greast student who is taking a top level math exam in order to go to a prestigous unniversity, which no one in his school has ever went to. Chris's dad takes the book which Chris is writing in, which will eventually turn out to be the book thats being read, in a fit of rage. One day, Chris goes looking for the book his father had taken from him, and what he discoverd changed his life forver. His mom is not dead, but rather left his father, and his father tried to cover it up to save his son the feeling of worthlessness.

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