Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Hole in My Life #2

I can imagine what it's like for Jack in prison. Jack could be sentenced anywhere from 60 days to 6 years. Jack did end up only serving a two year sentence but could have been there for less time if Hamilton and Rik didn't make it seem like Jack ran the whole drug operation. He can never relax because he is always worrying that the other prisoners will attack or even kill him. Even if he tries to stay away from other prisoners and avoid them, there are prisoners that he call "skulls", that are always looking for a fight. Jack could have done something with his life and become a writer. The only reason he agreed to go on the trip was for money to pay for school. Now Jack could only see visitors on the weekend and go outside for an hour a day. Many prisoners turned to drugs as an escape but Jack says the stress of being in prison even made him think about killing himself.

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