Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Hole in my Life #3

The most important scene in the book is when Jack gets a new case worker named Mr. Casey. Mr. Casey is very different from Jack's original case worker who was getting ready to retire and didn't care about doing a good job. Mr. Casey was young and eager to help Jack. He promises Jack that if he can get accepted to college that he will try to get a meeting with the parol board. Jack found a small two year college in New York named Graham Junior College. It was perfect for Jack because it had a writing program and low standards. Jack had Mr. Casey send for an applicaton from his house so the letter would not have The US Department of Corrections stamped on it. Jack filled out the application letter and sent it in. A few weeks later Jack recieved an acceptance letter. Mr. Casey took a copy of the letter and attached a special progress report on Jack's achievements to the parol board for consideration. A few weeks later Jack recieved a letter with his release date.

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