Sunday, September 30, 2012

To kill a mocking bird chapters 16-19

The trial starts in chapter 16. I believe that Bob Ewells made those bruises on the girl's face because he is left handed and the bruises were on the right side of the girl's face. In chapter 18, the trial continues. I think Mayella is faking the whole thing about Tom Robinson rapping her. I think this because in the chapter when Atticus examines her testimony, he asks how Tom Robinson could have bruised the right side of her face with his left hand that was torn apart by a cotton gin whenhe was a boy. Then when i read chapter 19, i was happy to find out that i was right, and that Mayella was faking the whole thing about being raped by Tom Robinson.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Woman Warrior #3

It was sad how Moon Orchid became crazy. I felt sorry for her. Brave Orchid may have came to America but her thought process did not change. She still thought very Chinese and did not consider that the marriage system was different in America. It was hard to determine if she had a loving relationship with her children. The book was very interesting . It was intriguing how they considered people as ghosts. At first I thought the ghosts they referred to were all dead people or supernatural forces. That is an interesting way of looking at people.

The Woman Warrior #2

Chinese are frugal and I admire that about them. The Chinese Americans are half American and half Chinese or full-blooded Chinese who grew up in America. I have friends who are Philippine American who are half and half like me or pure blooded pinoy, but they just grew up in America. Oftentimes Asians would rather have their children adopt the American way of life and make them forget their Asian heritage. I can speak all three languages english,tagalog and bisaya unlike my friends who are pure blooded. I am saying this because I can relate to the girls in the book. Last year , a friend of my mom told me to marry her son so he could come to America. She said that her son would pay for my college tuition if I married him because I have papers so I could petition him as my fiancee. My mom told me that it is my choice who I marry and no one can take that away. I am grateful for my mother for considering my happiness. Other Asian parents can be a lot worse. I would say that I am a perfect balance and enjoy both cultures.

The Woman Warrior #1

I realized that Chinese life is not like what I used to think it was like. I had not realized that the thing about Chinese girls being considered as a waste was true and I had always thought that was an exaggeration. In fourth grade, there was a teacher at our intermediate school who had adopted a Chinese girl and our teacher told us how girls babies were murdered at birth in China and something about only two children per household. Since I am a girl , this book does appeal to me and I consider myself lucky that my parents do appreciate me. It must have been hard growing up being told that when you are old enough, you are expected to be a slave or a wife.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky #3

I wish Brick or Jamie never ran away. I wish the boy just told everything. Rachel should have investigated her past. Rachel should have asked more questions and defended herself. I did not like how the book ended, it left me hanging.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky #2

It does not make sense how people at Rachel's school judged her too quickly. I didn't like how the grandma did not explain things to Rachel about her life before the accident. I wish the father visited Rachel because maybe all she needed was a father in her life. I wish the other characters explained more things to Rachel.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky #1

It was very hard to start reading the book,but it became interesting after a while. Rachel called herself the new girl and that confused me at first. The grandma seemed to have multiple personalities. It was confusing how the book changed perspectives and left me hanging on certain parts. Peoples dispositions changed throughout the story.

Paper Towns #3

I was shocked at the end of the book. Not all of my assumptions came true. The ending was vague and I disliked that, but then again I do not know how to end stories. Margo likes mystery,but if she did not want to be found, she could have told Quentin. Maybe, Margo was not expecting that Quentin would actually figure out the message. This book reminded me of Going Bovine.

Paper Towns #2

I like how Margo's leaving of Orlando change people's personalities. Ben finally got a honeybunny. Lacey saw that life is not all high heels and dresses. Quentin lets his inner hero out. Quentin figures out that Margo has multiple personalities.

Paper Towns #1

I can imagine what it is like to be Quentin. He is so in love with Margo,but he can not really tell her because they were childhood friends. It is frustrating to have to decide whether to risk friendship for love or just let that possible romance fade away and then you regret it when you are older. Quentin has an inner personality that he is afraid to reveal because it goes against all the supposed and unseen rules of high school. You should just be yourself and not care how others judge.

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Long Way Down #3

After all they've been through, going on vacation and making a meeting to talk about their problems, they didn't notice that their lives were getting better already, because they now have each other. Martin see's that Cindy doesn't want him back, or near his kids, but he still has his friends and will not stop trying to see his kids. Maureen still has Matty to take care of, but she gets a job at a newspaper and her attitude is coming around. Jess and her parents are always going to fight, but now they have an understanding of where each other comes from, and they have big hopes that her sister is still out there. JJ is friends with his band again, which I predict they will try to make a comeback tour. I don't think they'll kill themselves ever, because they always have each other to lean on, no matter what, which is something rear to have.

A Long Way Down #2

On New Years Eve, the four of them all planned to kill themselves at the same pace. They had no idea who each other were, yet. Martin was the first one there, just as he was about to jump, Maureen interupted him, which delayed time. While they were talking out their plans, Jess came out and started screaming, but Martin just jumped on her becuase they werent suppose to  be there anyway. JJ was last,  but when he came he calmed down everyone. They talked, introduced themselves, and eventually decided that they shouldn't die that night.

A Long Way Down #1

At first, I didn't like how the author changed positions so much. It was confusing, but I got used to it. All four of them are extremly different, yet still have one thing left in common. They all hate their lives. Martin lost his family, and is famous for sleeping with a 15 year old girl. Maureen is a 50 year old mom, with a disabled son who can't speak, hear, and is basically sleeping all the time, he drags her down, and needs her 24/7. Jess is an 18 year old girl who just got out of a break up with her bofriend who treated her badly, and her sister ran away from home. JJ originally lived in America, but moved to England for his girlfriend, but they broke up, just like his band 'Big Yellow'. Now he is stuck as a pizza delivery boy in England.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time #3

When Chris started to let his father back into his life, I was kinda upset, because if that were me, I'd try to stay away with someone like that. However, after his dad dealt with the consequences, I didn't think he needed to be punished anymore. Christopher's life is back to normal now, he's doing better in school, he's living with both parents, and he's happier.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time #2

Now that Christopher has found out that his dad killed the dog, and had an affair with Mrs. Shears, and his mom had an affair with Mr. Shears, everything makes sense. His father was angry as Mrs. Shears, and thats why he killed her dog, and why he would lie to Chris about his mother. I am glad that he moved with his mom, and isn't talking to his dad, I would do the same too.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time #1

This book is about a boy named Christopher, who investigated in a murder that uncovered secrets about his parents. When he found out these secrets, he lost trust in his father and got answers for himself. When he found them, his whole world had changed. I liked this book a lot, because the author always knew how to keep you interested in the book. It never got boring because Christopher was constantly facing challenges about his parents.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Defending jacob 3

this i probably the saddest ending i have ever read on a book . it is crazy how a mom would kill herself and her own child. this probably shocked the father an depressed him . this book showed me that the world is sometimes unfair and bad things can happen. this book tells me i should stay out of trouble and avoid bad things.

defending jacob 2

I am very surprised at the level of work that jacobs dad is doing to find the evidence . because of one finger print jacob is accused of murder and his friends side they knew he did it and that was enough to get him in trouble.i think its unfair for the family to deal with this nonsense if jacob really is innocent . it is not right for his friends to just drop him like that.

defending jacob 1

i can't believe that jacobs friends don't trust him and the same with his mother. But alter all that his father still supported him and was trying to  prove  that he was not a murderer . it is confusing that jacobs mother won't trust her own son . i predict that this will have a huge effect at the end of the book.

Revolution #3

I can imagine what it's like to wake up and believe that I actually lived another life. It's interesting what Andi goes through and then wakes up from it remembering what happened clearly. I predict that people will try to persuade her that it was not real but that she will always believe that it was.

Revolution #2

It surprises me that all of these kids are able to get away with doing drugs and other illegal things. It makes me further question the stability of these families.

Revolution #1

"I like humiliating Cooper." This quote seems strange to me. I wonder why someone would like to cause pain to others and it makes me curious as to whether she's mentally stable or if she has a functional household.

Paper Town #3

I'm really impressed with how Quentin was able to find Margo. He really thought outside of the box and he was able to analyze that poem enough to get more information out of it. It was heartwarming that he did things he thought he'd never do when he believed that Margo was dead.

Paper Towns #2

It really surprised me that Quentin would give into Margo so easily. They barely talked for years and he just does as she says. I predict that he either does or will have feelings for her as more than a friend.

Paper Towns #1

The beginning of the book confused me a bit. I feel as if I were to go through this situation, I would be emotionally changed forever and I wouldn't be so stable during it. But Quentin was very calm and his parents helped him through it, so it was interesting to see his perspective on this death and the impact it had on him. I wonder what would have happened to him if he didn't have both his parents as therapists.

A Long Way Down #3

When JJ said that they should help people who are thinking about committing suicide, I was pleasantly surprised. I find it encouraging that someone who wanted to commit suicide would one day want to help others who are thinking of doing the same thing. This was a major character change in JJ from the beginning, to the ending of this story.

A Long Way Down #2

It really surprises me that all of these people met on this roof. All of their stories are so different and they all were there on the same day. It's really heartwarming that they all have been able to save each other so far. I predict that they will continue to help one another in many different ways in each of their lives.

A Long Way Down #1

It surprised me to see the character change happen so suddenly when Jess, Maureen, and Martin met up on the roof. Maureen and Martin were so willing to off themselves, but rescue Jess as she's about to jump. I predict that these characters are going to help save each other's lives and impact one another in a big way.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time #3

It really surprised me when Christopher described making decisions. When he talked about how people have their favorite foods that they always pick and foods they don't like so they don't pick them, it really made decisions seem simple. But it also made things in life seem boring. While reading this paragraph, I realized that when making decisions, I'm always extremely cautious. My decisions are sometimes boring, just like picking the same meal, from the same restaurant, over and over and I wonder what it would be like to not be so cautious when making a decision in the future.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time #2

“And when I was asleep I had one of my favorite dreams… And in the dream nearly everyone on the earth is dead…”
This quotation shows how Christopher truly is. He is more comfortable on his own and he'd rather people be dead than to have to socialize with them. Even though I do not enjoy some social situations, I would never wish most of the people on the earth were dead, so it really changes my perspective on what is going through this character's mind. This quotation really shows how some strongly detest other's company and would much rather be alone or with a select few.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time #1

I never thought that a writer would use pictures such as the faces in the beginning and other graphics throughout the novel. It's interesting and it really gives the reader a different or clearer view on what they are reading. It really helps me understand what's going on and it's a technique I really haven't seen in many of the novels I've read. It definitely makes this book unique and interesting.

Monday, September 3, 2012

hole in my life 3

  This book made me realize that the easy way is not always the right way. jack made a mistake the created a hole in his life and he is trying to tell us not to make the same mistake thats why he made this book. it is interesting how jack changed his lifestyle from worker to dealer to writer. this show that there  is always a second chance.

Defending Jacob #3

What! This book had a great plot twist at the end of the book. I was expecting the father to come to his senses and finally put Jacob in prison so he'll stop hurting people. But, I was not expecting him to continue being in denial until his wife jerks him out of it by killing her own child. I couldn't believe she would kill her own son. I also expected them to get divorced. What a surprise ending.

Defending Jacob #2

I think this book is very interesting because of all the twists it takes. I thought Andy would end up defending or prosecuting another student who was friends with his son and just had the same name. I thought this would be a great ploy to get people to read the book. Like," Oh, this guy ends up trying to defend his son for murder of his classmate, I should read this!" I also found the book interesting because while Andy is n denial about his son being a killer, he strikes again. This time killing a girl he's just met at a beach. I'm excited to read the ending.

Defending Jacob #1

When I began reading the book it was very interesting because I already knew that Andy was a lawyer. What I didn't realize was that Andy had to choose between justice and protecting his own family. I feel that this will be a very interesting book for me to read because I like mysteries. I also feel like the predicted ending throughout the book will not be the real ending. I feel this because of the book summary when it says he will have family trouble I think it will be an underestimation.

Defending Jacob #3

The last part of the book was so shocking!!! After Jacob met that girl at the beach it mentioned a girl missing and the blood-stained bathing suit I knew Jacob struck again. I don't know what he is thinking. He has major issues. And on top of that his mother killing him, rather turning him in and seeking help! How could a mother do that to her child? That is just plain crazy. The sad part about the book is that Andy was in denial, never admitting that his son was a sociopath. I thought this book had constantly changing plot and that is what made me want to read more and more. I would reccomend it to someone who likes mysteries.

Ghosts of War #3

It's amazing how much the war had affected Ryan. From the day the twin towers collapsed, to coming home from the war, everything that happens brings him back to a memory in Iraq. For example, when the balloon popped he thought it was a gun shot or when he couldn't fall asleep because he was worried someone was going to come kill him and he wanted to protect Heather. I understand how those kind of things can bother you and make you worry. It's like something bad happens in the past and all you can think about is it coming back to hurt the ones you love. I really enjoyed this book because it's his own personal experiences and I would definitely recommend to any teenager/adult whether them being a boy or a girl. It also affected me and the way I view the war and how much these soldiers really are fighting for our country.

Defending Jacob #2

I was right! Jacob does have to do with the case involving the boy from his grade. Matter of a fact, he is being charged with the murder of his fellow student. Now Jacob's father Andy is being questioned whether he should be allowed to work on the case by his college, Lynn Canavan. I predict that this case might cause conflict in Andy's household.

Defending Jacob #1

I really like the start of the book. Andy Barber seems to be the main character. He is an assistant district attorney in his county. Andy has a wife and son, named Jacob. Recently a boy the same age as his son was murdered, and he has taken interest into the case. The incident makes him more appreciative of his son being alive and that the tragic happening didn't occur to his family. I can relate to this because I have seen stories on the news that make me more appreciative of my family. I predict that Jacob will have something to do with this case.

Defending Jacob(1,2,3)

  1. When the murder happened I was shocked to see how all the evidence was pointing to Jacob. I was getting to believe that he actually did it and he was someone who hated being picked on so much he snapped. In a way I thought been deserved a punishment but not being murdered like that.
  2. I felt bad for Andy when his wife and Jacob weren’t being supportive when Andy told about his family history with murders and violence. I feel he did the right thing because his family was better off not know. His family should have understood where he was coming from because if he did tell them they might not have been a family in the first place.
  3. when I found out Jacob didn’t kill ben but did kill that little girl, I was very surprised. The whole book all the evidence was pointing to him and I’m sure everyone who read this thought the same thing. I was really surprised when his mom killed him with the car to protect him but I don’t think that was the best idea. She killed her son and that showed she cared but she shouldn’t have killed him.

hole in my life 2

i can see that jack sees money as an easy to collect object. thats why he wanted to do the deal but he should have know that easy money dose not last to long and could lead to trouble. this lead him to go to prison, and in prison he met a lot of criminals and junkies. And jack liking to work he worked at the prison . he also learned the lives of others and there mistakes. he should learn from his mistakes and choosing a different style of work is the best way.

Paper Towns(1,2,3)

  1. I enjoyed reading about all the pranks that Quentin and Margo on Margo’s enemies. With the fish and then sneaking into the wrong persons house. That guy was so surprised it was funny.  I didn’t exactly think they should be doing it but the fact that they didn’t get caught exactly and they had a lot of fun doing it was pretty funny to read.
  2. I liked how concerned Quentin was for Margo and that his friends were supportive and didn’t say he was crazy or stupid to feel that way for her. He was determined to find where she went and to make sure she wasn’t hurt or in danger.
  3. I think i  was interesting how they were finding all the clues but Margo never wanted them to find her and didn’t think they would even start to follow any of it. But I the end Quentin loved her enough to let her go and do her own thing and let her go where she belonged. He didn’t force her to go back home and live a boring life and wanted her to be happy.


  1. I felt bad about how Andi and her mom were emotionally unstable. Andi was on the medication or that and took a lot because of how horrible the accident was with her younger brother dying. She blamed herself for it and was really hard on herself. Her mom just painted tons of pictures of her brother and that’s how she cooped. But that wasn’t helping because she wouldn’t eat and she wasn’t moving on with anything and was completely out of it. plus the dad was barley around to try to help with any of them so they were on their own from there.
  2. I agreed with Andi and how she was trying so hard to be able to keep her mom at home and paint because that’s what kept her calm. The doctor was wrong with trying to keep her from that at the hospital. Everyone has their own way of getting through situations and that was hers. He should of at least tried to just get her to start painting other things like she did in the past and not just her son.
  3. I pictured everything that was happening in the journal to Alexandrine. The whole book kept me entertained and my attention never left the book. I couldn’t put it down and I loved it. the risks Alexandrine took to try to keep the prince happy and know that someone was looking out for him was so above and beyond that I felt that people just needed to know why she was setting off the rockets.

Paper Towns #3

After just finishing this intriguing novel I am somewhat dissapointed. I expected it to be more like a fairytale. Honestly I was certain that after Q drove hundreds of miles to find Margo, that she would jump into his arms and they would live happily ever after, but that was not the case. In this book there was no fairytale; there was reality. And I really liked the sour note the book ended on. I deffinetly would read this book again! It was very relatable at points.

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (1,2,3)

1. I saw how Christopher changed when he found out that his mom didn’t die and she was actually in London and his dad hid all the letters his mom sent to him. He became so scared and worried that his dad would hurt him in some way like he killed Wellington and he did not love his dad like he did before he found out. Coming from his mental state, that was a scary situation for him. He looks at his dad like a cold blooded murderer and does not even want to be in the same place as his dad.

2. I find it interesting that people like Christopher with a mental disability can be very smart. He can name every prime number up to some odd thousand and how he has the system with the color of cars to determine whether it’s a good day or a black day. That is one thing that made this book interesting because it came from his point of view and how he viewed life and certain situations.

3. I think the most attention grabbing part was when Christopher found the letters from his mom and when his dad told him everything that happened and why he killed Wellington. I wasn’t really shocked when the dad said he killed the dog because his wife was having an affair with the other guy. I kind of put those puzzle pieces together on that but this part was very interesting.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time 3

i had a feeling that christopher was going to run away. if i was christopher i would have ran away to. he finally wanted to meet his mother after all these years of his father keeping him from her. he finally forgives his father for killing his dog and keeping him from his mother.

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 3

Paddy really wanted to fit in. He only stuck around with Kevin because if he had left, he would have been sort of an outcast. At the end of the book he didn't care because "They were only kids." They'd grow out of it eventually.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 2

The fact that Christopher found out that his mother is alive means that he could have a relationship with her. He can fill the void that is lost from not having his mother around. I this it was sad the way he found out about his mother. However its better he found out that way then never finding out because we would have never known if his father would had told him.

defending jacob 3

Jacob's mom continues to surprise me in many ways. For example I still really don't know who's side she is on. It seems like she wants to believe her son that he is not guilty. But it still seems like she is not taking his side because she is still confused and is just trying to do the right thing by not taking anyone sides.

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 2

When I was still reading this book, I predicted that someone would leave. I didn't know exactly who it would be, I only narrowed it down to two people. Paddy, which was the obvious choice seeing that he was planning and packing things to go, and his father. I suspected that it would be his father because he was rarely home and when he was home, always seemed to be leaving.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 1

When Christopher found out that his mother was alive and not dead like his dad told him was a choking part of the book. As a father why would you lie to your son about his mothers death and keep letter that his mother sent to him and not give them to him. If i was christopher i would hate my father for keeping me away from my mother it would be a huge slap in the face.

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 1

Paddy thinks that he hates his brother Sinbad, but only because he "has to". He doesn't really hate his brother. He misses him when he stops talking to him and even asks if he wants to be called by his real name Francis.

Revolution 3

When Andi finished what Alexandrine never got to finish saying, she realized that the world will go on being stupid and brutal, but she doesn't have to go along with it. She can overcome the brutality that the world throws at her.

hole in my life 3

As i imagined jack got caught with the drug. if you get involved with bad things that are going to get you in trouble  its not a matter if you are going to get caught its a matter of when and jack finally got caught and has to deal with the troubles. I guess being put in jail helped jack because when he got out of jail he became successful as a writer.   

hole in my life 2

As I progressed in the book I started to realize that jack is crazy and not normal. Jack makes me feel this way because he says "It was sexy to imagine myself in prison." A normal person wouldn't imagine them selves in prison. However i could see why he could zoo him self in prison after being with the bacon family.

Revolution 2

Finding the diary of Alexandrine Pardis did not exactly help Andi to feel better about anything, but it did help her to understand some things. It also gave her a connection to Louis-Charles. By reading about Alexandrine's experiences taking care of him, Andi had grown to love him as well. Louis-Charles reminded Andi of Truman because they both looked alike and had both died at the age of 10.

hole in my life 1

The introduction of the book was very interesting, you got a background of him and his life. It was also interesting when his dad showed him the jail and how the inmates lived.

Revolution 1

I agree with Andi when she is arguing with Dr. Becker about her mother not painting. Everyone needs an escape, or an outlet to express what you're feeling. Her mother's happens to be painting. Andi's is music. Another person could use writing or drawing, or even going for a run could help. Taking away someone's outlet doesn't help them, even if they are being given special care. It just bottles up the emotions, and that's not good for anyone.

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 3

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 3

Paddy is always picking on Sinbad. His parents also had many verbal fights all the time which could be why Paddy liked violence. He doesn't like his dad at all. He doesn't like the way he is treated.

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 2

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 2

He's really worried about staying on Kevin's good side in the beginning of the story since he's kind of the leader of him and his friends also if you are on his good side you get whipped. I would never want to be friends with anyone like that, that I had to be afraid of

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 1

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 1

Paddy and his friends just seem like the "typical bad boy" character that is usually played into stories. With the whole starting fires and harrasing old ladies. He is actually very smart believe it or not when it comes to learning at school

Defending Jacob 3

Defending Jacob 3

I think that there was more to the story that they didn't tell us. I wanted to know what happened to their marriage and if their marriage could survive all that had happened. I defiantly think Jacob was guilty. This book kept me thinking even after I finished it! Even thought they didn't tell us if their marriage ended I have a feeling that it did. I don't get how she could live with killing her own child

Defending Jacob 2

Defending Jacob 2

You don't want to believe that someone who had such a good life could turn out to be such an evil kid and do horrible things. I was so surprised after what happened after the trial. I think Laurie was hoping that they would both die. Her son was a murderer and could have continued to kill. In the car I think she was not only trying to kill Jacob but herself too.

Defending Jacob 1

Defending Jacob 1

I'm sure as being someone that is so involved in the law as an assistant district attorney, you would never imagine your own son would be the one you needed to question. Jacob was accused of murdering one of the kids in his school. Jacob tells his dad he is innocent, and of course being his father he believes him. While reading I felt as if Jacob did do it and that the parents were in complete denial

A Long Way Down 3

At the end of the book, it was dissapointing when there was no discovery of where Jen was. I thought it was good when all of the characters were talking about their problems though, because there is nothing better than having someone there for you.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 3

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 3

It's horrible that the kids in highschool call her "Oreo," it even makes her not want to be white. She always wonders what would have happened to her mom if she had witnessed soulful music, she would have probably still been with Rachel.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 2

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 2

When she moves in with her grandma she learns about her race and how black girls don't have blue eyes but she does. She didn't even realize that people actually cared about her skin color and eye color. But then in Oregon she learned that her race meant allot more to people than she ever thought it could. She's actually a very smart child.

A Long Way Down 2

As I kept reading, the main characters started to change. The change started when everyone helped Jess in search to find her ex boyfriend Chas. They all formed friendships which resulted in them not feeling as sad and depressed as they used too.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 1

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 1

It must be tough to have to grow up not really knowing much about who you are or not knowing about your mysterious family history. It must make everything very complicated to live with, I couldn't even imagine dealing with that. I think Rachel is a really strong girl to be able to take on so much.

Paper Towns 3

I agree with what Quentin says about how it depends on which metaphor you choose because it affect your whole outlook on life. But I think he was wrong on one thing. If you choose the strings you're not necessarily "imagining a world in which you can become irreparably broken." While you can't ever mend the strings completely, you could always tie up the broken ends. It'll never be the same, but it may still serve its purpose.

A Long Way Down 1

I saw a big change in Jess from the beginning to the end of the book. At the start she was really negative about everything because she was depressed. I don't like all of the talk about death and suicide. I'm glad there were changes throughout the book.

Paper Towns 3

This book made me realize a real friend from a fake one. It also made me really dissapointed because of the fact Margo was upset when Quentin, Ben, & Radar found her. With everything they've done for her, I hate how she leaves again instead of staying. This book could have had a better ending but overall it was good.

a long way down 3

i wonder if rachel is gunna moe in with drew or if drew is gunna move in with rachel. and will dre ever moe on from aunt loreta. the book also neer said what exactly killed her.

A Long Way Down 3

A Long Way Down 3

It's very sad that even though the four of them tried to convince the boy not to jump, he still did. But it was very kind of them to try and stop him. I agree with Cindy when she thought that Martin had made many mistakes and didn't take care of his children. She was strong for sticking to what she believed in

A Long Way Down 2

A Long Way Down 2

I thought it was actually very brave for Jess to admit to her father that she did try to kill herself. That would probably be very hard for people that go through something like that to admit to someone especially their own father. It seems as if he cares more about his reputation than about his own daughter's problems. I don't think JJ should have denied to discuss why they decided not to jump because it could have inspired other people that wanted to commit not too and that there is something to live for. I do think it was wrong for Jess to go through with the "angel story" after her friends had told her they didn't like that idea because it not only wound up making her look like a bad person in the end it ruined Martin's job as well. I also think Martin was very in the wrong since he thought he had done nothing wrong and that it was everyone else's fault because that is obviously not true.

Paper Towns 2

As I kept reading, I noticed how Quentin's friends are really there for him because they gave him support throughout the whole search to find Margo. Also, they even skipped their highschool graduation in search of hope to find Margo.

Paper Towns 1

I saw a change in Q after the night he went out with Margo. He was a good kid and scared to take risks, but she changed that about him, and now he will do anything to find her.

Revolution 2

Andi is very distressed about her mom being put in a mental hospital, but I think its strange how she see's nothing wrong with her mom's strange habits. For example, she makes hundreds of paintings of her lost son, and barely eats or sleeps. Andi see's nothing wrong with this, when there's clearly something wrong. I think it's going to be good for her to go to Paris with her father, just to escape her surroundings. She seems to live in a very negative environment, especially with all the catty girls from school showing their claws. Even though she detests her father, she seems to be enjoying Paris. I think that her love of her music can make any bad situation better. The perfect example of this is when she was freezing by the river with no money, Jules saw her playing and invited her to play with him. Because of her music, She got food and 2 new friends, Jules and Virgil. I'm pretty sure she has a thing for Virgil, and I'm curious to see if she's still going to leave on Sunday, or delay her flight.

Paper Towns 2

I can imagine what it's like to want to get away from a "paper town". It's not really the town itself that you want to get away from. It's the people. All the paper people that try to make you paper too. Though, unlike Margo I have met a fair few that care about something that matters. I'm not just going to run off and disappear, of course, but one day a handful of people are going to leave this town and never come back. I will most likely leave with them, but I'll think that I may come back sooner or later.

A Long Way Down 1

I'm so glad that Martin, JJ, Jess, and Maureen met on the roof on New Years Eve. They were without a doubt brought together by some kind of fate. I was also very glad that Maureen didn't commit suicide that night because a disabled child like Matty would've been completely lost without her. I could understand why Jess felt like she had to end her life, a lot of teens feel like they don't want to live anymore when going through problems like she was. I think if even one of them had wound up following through with their plan of committing suicide, it would've made the others not want to do it. I thought it was really great of them to help Jess find her boyfriend too.

Revolution 1

This is an extraordinarily good book. I thought at first that it was not going to be, and I only read it because it was the only book I had; however, it's very interesting. As of right now, I don't quite understand how Andi's brother died, and he seems to be just as important in the story as Andi. Another thing I don't understand is why Andi has to take her meds, Qwellify. Maybe its because of her flashes of anger we saw.

hole in my life 1

you can tell that jack is the type of person that is spoiled and thinks he can get away with anything.He mentions in the beginning that he had unlimited freedom and had everything that he wanted from money to a nice car and nice family. he sounds like a hard worker but he thinks that any job that pays good is a good job. But I predict that his spoiled past will get him in trouble as you get deeper in to the book. for example if he thinks that there is a lot of freedom in the world he will think that transporting drugs is no problem at all and he would not care about the risks. and little bu little that created a hole in his life

Paper Towns 1

Everyone has their own version of Margo. The question is, which version is the "real" Margo? Is she all of them? None of them? A combination of some of them? Personally I think that she is all of them. But a person is so much more than what this person thinks or that person observes. Sure there are people who can be read like an open book, but she is more difficult to read than that. Quentin may have learned quite a few things about (and from) her, but Margo Roth Spiegelman seems like she still has a few tricks up her sleeve and mysteries to be solved.

Hole in my Life 3

This book made me realize that even though something sounds good at the moment, doesn't mean you should take the offer. If Jack didn't let the looks of University of Florida scare him, he wouldn't have ever been to jail in the first place. He would've been working on his writing with a professional rather than having to sit in prison. Instead he was on a ship for 6 weeks with a cruel "partner in crime." Sometimes I realize why people think they are able to get away with illegal things.

A Long Way Down 3

Despite the differences between us, I can kind of understand where JJ is coming from. You think you've got it all planned out. There's one thing that you really want to do with your life and it invades every part of your being. You can't imagine doing anything else, or you don't have the degree to do anything else so when things fall apart you feel like you have no where to go. You get lost. There are obvious solutions, but you either aren't thinking straight enough to go in that direction, or it's being blocked and you get yourself even more lost. Eventually you may see a sign pointing you in the right direction to get out. JJ found Maureen, Martin, and Jess and they used each other to help themselves to start their way out again. They're not out of the woods yet, but they're getting there.

A Long Way Down 2

Jess changed (a bit, certainly not much) when she actually bothered to find a bit about Maureen. Granted, she did tune almost everything out, so it was sort of a wasted effort. The point is she tried and earlier, when they all first met, she wouldn't bother at all except maybe for a rude comment of a snide remark. Furthermore, she refrained from asking questions that pried too much, as that is one of her tendencies.

A Long Way Down 1

I think a pretty significant scene was when they tried to help that guy to not jump. Afterwards they all kind of realized that they wouldn't have been able to go through with it, even if they hadn't tried to stop each other. The four of them still had a different way out, even if they didn't realize it at first. That guy, David Fawley, didn't have any way out that he could see, would ever see, than the one that he chose.

Ghost of War #3

I think Ryan (the narrator) changed when the mortar flew past his head and almost hit him because it was the most adrenaline rushing moment of his life at first. He had almost died and didn’t even make a big deal about it when he went back to his barracks. After that he knew what it was like in a battlefield and the feeling of it, even more than he had known previously.

A long way down- post 3

All four of the main characters lives have changed throughout the book and they realize that there will always be something worth living for. Also I didn't disagreed with Jess and Maureen when they decided to go the Martin's ex wife house to ask if she would take Martin back. The reason I disagreed was because if I was Cindy(Martin's ex wife) I wouldn't take Martin back either because what he did was terrible. How can you forgive or ever trust that person again if they slept with a 15 year old? Im happy that JJ can make music again. And Maureen got a job and I didn't really like the ending so much because if the four of them were happy with their lives at the end of the book then why would they decide to meet up again in six months. But overall the book was allright, but it was depressing and.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky 3

Rachel has messed up alot now. She's gotten drunk, high, and lost her virginity. Unfortunately, I think that was her way of finding out who she was. She was testing the boundaries, seeing what the wilder side of life was like. Thanks to her finding Jamie, or "Brick," the mystery about her father is unraveled, and Jamie also protects her. Furthermore, the mystery of her family's suicide is unraveled as well. I can't understand why her mother jumped off the roof with her children. No matter how much pretty words you put around it, she killed her children; except of course Rachel. I think that Rachel was very fortunate to survive, even though I think at times she thought the contrary. Overall, it was a very interesting story.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky 2

Alot has changed since the beginning, and Aunt Loretta is the most important family member to Rachel. Of course, since Rachel has suffered so much already, Aunt Loretta had to go to. I don't understand why the author made Rachel suffer so much, but maybe it's so that we feel bad for her, and identify more with her. With Aunt Loretta's passing, I don't think that Rachel doesn't feel like she belongs there anymore. Since her Grandmother started drinking, she's even less tolerable than usual. Rachel is bound to do something bad

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky1

The book is very confusing to begin with. Each chapter is centralized around a different character, and they seem equally important. For example, I could tell that the book will be about Rachel, but then why did they include Jamie? In retrospect it all makes sense, but as I was reading it didn't seem to go together very well. 
  Rachel is also bullied because she's kind of the "grey area" between the black and white kids at her school. she says "I learned that black people don't have blue eyes. I am black. I have blue eyes." She seems confused about who she is. 

Ghost of War #2

I am more understanding of the war in Iraq after reading more of the book. He had described how he had been brought to a base that was by a city in Iraq with infidels (regular people) and soldiers. The narrator was part of a group that builds things for the U.S. army and he was also there to protect the innocent civilians if anything bad happened from the rebels.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky 3:

Throughout this novel Rachel was trying to figure out who she was. And with Aunt Loretta, her mother, and siblings gone; her father wanting nothing to do with her, and her Grandmother looking to drink her problems away. Rachel had a tough childhood, moving around a lot, and experiencing her mother and siblings death. Rachel did make many mistakes throughout the book but those mistakes taught her and did help her learn from them. Rachel was going to head down a dark path until she met Brick/Jamie who had helped her understand why her father won't see her and what did happen to him. I was very pleased to have read that Brick finally made his way to find Rachel and to tell her that news. Having read that last chapter I was glad to see that Brick was worried for Rachel but was able to make her happy when he was around.

ghosts of war 3

When i first started to read the book i predicted that he was going to marry Heather. My prediction was right.

ghosts of war 2

Im so glad that Ryan made it home safe. When his platoon got attacked i didnt think he was going to make it home. I was relieved when he got home.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky 2:

As I was reading the book I was surprised about Aunt Loretta and with how she died. Since Rachel's Grandmother was very close to Aunt Loretta, she started to drink heavy amounts of alcohol. With her Grandmother drinking so much I was surprised that Rachel didn't run away. It was clear to see that Aunt Loretta was the "glue" in Rachel's and her Grandmothers relationship so without her their relationship will never be the same, and Rachel will just act up in the future to get as much attention as she could get.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky 1:

The beginning of the book is set up like the way A Long Way Down was. Each character would give their point of view on an event. By switching back and forth between characters, it would get very confusing about who said what or who did what. In the beginning Rachel was having a hard time to understand whether or not she was black or not. She stated, "I learned that black people don't have blue eyes. I am black. I have blue eyes." after she stated that I can imagine how cruel people must have been. Bullying now a days is horrible, I can't even think about how being the new girl feeling must feel.

ghosts of war 1

I would reccamend reading this book because it is very interesting and it explains a lot about the army and how the millitary works. It helps explain how it works and runs. this book was very interesting.

Defending Jacob 3:

After reading about the family trip to Jamaica, I was glad that Jacob was finally having some fun again and enjoying himself after the trial. Once you think that Jacob and Hope would have a normal relationship with the trial behind him, the author added another twist to the story, and Hope was murdered. I have to say that I had mixed thoughts about maybe it was a coincidence that a wave crashed her into rocks but also that maybe Jacob did strike again. The evidence here that really did get me was when Andy had told Jacob to go in the ocean and clean off red stains of his bathing suit. Another thing that surprised me toward the end was when Laurie drove straight into the bridge abutment, killing Jacob. Since Laurie did this I could tell that throughout the trial she has been second guessing herself by always mentioning "What if Jacob really is guilty?" and other questions about Jacob being guilty. When Hope was found dead she killed Jacob so he wouldn't harm anyone else. The ending must have surprised everyone, I was expecting Jacob to go into another trial. 

Defending Jacob 2:

So far this book is so intense, you keep on thinking "Did Jacob actually kill Ben? Or was he framed?" All of these thoughts run through your head all thinking about how Jacob must be feeling but then you read about Laurie and how much this situation has completely changed her. On top having her struggle with Jacob's case, Andy had decided to tell her about his family history to violence and murder. If I were Laurie I would have looked back at Jacobs case with a different perspective now knowing about Andy's family history. Toward the end of the trial I was surprised that "Bloody Billy Barber" actually tried to help out his grandchild, even if he wasn't there. I was shocked that the Billy also had that much doubt of Jacob being the murder that he sent Father O'Leary to force Patz to write the letter saying that he did it so Jacob would be innocent. After reading about all of this and after thinking of all of the evidence again I began to think that maybe Jacob did murder Ben Rifkin.

Along Way Down 3

I found the book really boring, the best part to me was the end because they decided not to jump off. And to carry on with their life, JJ started playing music again, Jess found a boy.

A Long Way Down 3

I wonder what would happen to the rest of the group should one of them had jumped off of the roof before one of the meetings. I think that if one person did kill themselves the rest of the group would fall apart, and then in turn everyone else would jump. Although, the others may have sided with the problems that everyone had, and maybe they would not have thought anything of it, since everyone was in a bad situation.

Defending Jacob 1:

In the beginning of Defending Jacob by William Landay, I thought that Jacob must have been just another kid  who knew Ben Rikin since they were in the same grade. But once Andy started to look on Jacobs Facebook, just like Sarah had told him to do. Once he said all of the hated comments about Jacob on his  Facebook, I can only imagine what Jacob was going through with school and what his was thinking because he never told his parents about Ben picking on him. Once I read about this I started to think of how Jacob could have killed him, or even if he did. Since his father was also the District Attorney, you wouldn't of thought of Jacob killing anyone especially since he knows the consequences of first degree murder.

A Long Way Down 3:

The last part of the book to me was okay. I still found the book to be a little depressing, even with all of the tension it gave you about whether or not they would jump. I never actually thought about how much they depended on each other, even though it didn't say that in the book, the four of them were the only ones who knew how the other person was feeling. On the last page about meeting up again in 6 months which added more suspense if they all decided to keep that promise.

A Long Way Down 2:

 As I have predicted before Jess was the one who has been hiding something. She was hiding from the others that her and her parents don't have the best relationship due to her older sister, Jen's, disappearance. Her mother began to blame Jess for stealing a pair of earnings that had once belonged to Jen. We didn't find any of this out until Jess arranged a huge get together with everyone and their families to talk about their suicidal thoughts and was hoping that each family/friends would help out. The get together was a huge mistake, and everyone was fighting with each other and they weren't trying to discuss help about the suicidal thoughts. Although everyone was arguing and not getting along, this is one of the most important events in the book. Although there was arguing Maureen helped Jess's family have hope that Jen still might be alive. Another important scene would be when the four of them met up on Valentine's day on the roof, and they saw the man jump. I think that really changed their thoughts about suicide and how you can get help by just talking to friends.

A Long Way Down 1:

When I fist started to read A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby the first feeling I got was depressed. After reading about how Jess, Martin, Maureen, and J.J. want to jump, I the first thought I got was, "What will happen tot he people that still love them? How badly will they be hurting at the thought of a loved one doing suicide?" That was the first thought I had because I am very family oriented and always think of others before myself. Jess wanted to do suicide because her boyfriend broke up with her from being too crazy about him. Martin cheated on his wife, with a 15 year old, and was thrown into jail, basically kissing his show and stardom goodbye. Maureen has a son who is mentally ill and does not remember or even react to anything she does, making her feel like he doesn't love her. And J.J. wanted his band to go farther than it did, along with that his girlfriend broke up with him. All of these are the reasons that made them want to think about suicide being the only option left for them. I felt like the only person that actually had a reason to have thoughts of suicide would have been Martin, since he cannot see his two daughters again due to custody, the others I felt like their reason could have easily been solved without even the thought of suicide. I predict that either Jess, Maureen, or J.J. have another reason why they would like to kill themselves, but they are just keeping it to themselves. 

Revolution 3:

My prediction from the previous statement was wrong, she was determined to figure this mystery out by herself, without her father or G's help. In fact toward the end of the book, the author added a twist to the whole book, which created a good ending to the novel. By putting Andi in Alex's place so everyone in Paris saw her for not Andi but as Alex. I can only imagine how confused and frustrated Andi must have been when everyone called her Alex, but it must have been amazing to have "meet" Amade Malherbeau, which must have helped her out a lot since her Senior Thesis being written about him. Wouldn't be amazing or cool to just meet the person you are doing a report on and just ask them the questions you need help with to understand about them, like where their inspiration was when they did what they did! It must have been amazing for Andi, even though she didn't get along with Amade at first. I was so excited to find out that after Andi graduated she got into the Paris Conservatory to study with "...amazing teachers for a degree in classical and contemporary music...". Over all I believed that this was one of the best summer read books that I have read. It kept me entertained which is what every summer read should be like, so it is easier to read over the summer! 

Revolution 2:

As I have predicted in the previous post, Andi's father did come to help. I was very happy when I read about her father going to get her so she could do her Senior Thesis in Paris. I was pleased to read how Andi's father wasn't just the only one who still cared very much for Andi, people such as G and his wife, Lili, and later on learn about how Virgil cares for Andi's health also. Andi hated France and wanted to find a way to get home to her mother, but when she found a journal inside the guitar case that had once belonged to a woman named Alex, who was from the time of the French Revolution, Andi felt connected to Alex and wanted to find out how Alex is involved with the mystery of a young boy's heart inside a glass jar.  In the future I predict that Andi will go home before she finishes the mystery about Alex and leave the research to her father since she is so anxious to get back home. 

Revolution 1:

As I have started to read Revolution (by Jennifer Donnelly) I began to quickly realize how much Andi and myself have in common. Andi was as close to her brother, Truman, as I am to my sister. One thing that isn't the same is that my 10 year old sister is still alive. Truman was also 10 years old when he died, and as soon as this happened her life began to change dramatically. Andi's mother was put into a deep depression, Andi began to doing poorly in school (to a point that she almost didn't graduate), and her father met someone new. Although all of these events are opposite to my life, the small details about Andi, is what I have in common with her. We both look at playing music as a way to escape and to show our feelings in a different way. I predict that Andi's father will come to Andi's side and to try to help her so she still has a chance to graduate. I predicted this since the book mentioned that Andi hasn't seen her father in a long time. 

A Long Way Down #3

The last part of the book to me was the best. It still had tension and it was suspensful to see how the characters would change their lives. It was interesting to see how the article that Martin showed the otheres changed their opinions and gave them a great opportunity to see a significant raise in their attitudes. It showed that there was hope and there was a chance they would make it. The last page made me wonder how they would be in the next sixth months, if they would still survive. It was a very interesting book, but a strange one also. The strange feeling the book had made it interesting and overall it was a decent book.

3. A Long Way Down

I think the most important part of the book was when Martin shared the article he read in a magazine stating that a suicidal crisis period lasts ninety days. Then eventually, you will feel different and not want to commit suicide anymore. I think this made a reflection on the four characters by having them think there was hope. That they will get over the phase of them wanting to kill themselves and feel helpful in life.

2. A Long Way Down

I agree with the author when at the end, when the four characters ended up not committing suicide or planning about doing it. The characters dramatically changed throughout the book when helping each other with their current issues. Also, they realized that they all had each other and someone who cared about them, instead of feeling hopeless like there was no reason to live. I believe this made them look at life in a new better perspective.

1. A Long Way Down

Throughout the book, the four main characters Jess, Maureen, Martin, and JJ learned off each other after being up at the top of a high apartment building wanting to commit suicide. Over time they realized that killing them selves isn’t the best way to solve their problems. My favorite character in the book was Jess because she was very open minded to people whether it was offensive or not. The three others didn’t like her so much because she told them how she felt about their lives in reality. Jess didn’t care how people thought about her and that’s why she had a great personality to me.