Saturday, July 21, 2012

Defending Jacob 2

I am now about 85% done with Defending Jacob and all the evidence points to Jacob being the killer.  It all seem circumstantial but in the trial the public just wants someone in jail so they have piece of mind.  At this point Billy Barber has come into the story, and it's interesting how never in his life has Andy needed his father and now he needs him more then ever, the DNA, in order to help prove Jacob's innocence. At this point Patz has little involvment in the story and nothing looks good for Jacob, even his mother seems to believe that Jacob will be said to be guilty, almost like she has given up on her son.  I think this is ethically wrong, she created Jacob and is his mother, and part ofo being a mother is supporting thier child through thick and thin, and by the multiple implications of Laruie's actions and behaviors it seems that she has goven up.  However Andy is 100% positive that Jacob is innocent, and has always thought that he is being a good father, standing by his son when very few people will.  I still think that Patz is the actual killer, he has a past, and a person speaking against him, Matthew Magrath who Patz assulted, and it's my gut feeling.  Everything points to Jacob, but i think in the end sometime of evidence will surface proving Leanord Patz did this.

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