Friday, July 20, 2012

Defending Jacob Post 2

I can’t imagine what it’s like to be the son of a murderer and to live your whole life without a father around. This pain and secret is what Andy had to live with his entire life. If people knew his father was a murderer, people would ever look at him the same which isn’t fair but true. Now imagine this secret being revealed to your community because your son is accused of murder. Imagine everyone looking at you is if you are a murderer even though you have done nothing wrong. Andy, who this is all happening to, must fight through this to help Jacob and himself. It is unbelievable to me how people can betray Andy even when he hasn’t done anything and his son is still on trial.  It must be hard to go on with little support and trust which you thought you had from the community and friends. This says a lot how important but rare loyalty is in a friendship.

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