Monday, July 16, 2012

#1 The Girl Who Fell from the Sky

The novel so far is interesting. I like how the author switches the tenses around. For example: talking about how Rachel was in the hospital in the past and then bringing it up again later in the novel. but in the present ( if that makes sense ). The way the book is written, it is a bit difficult to follow the story but is becoming clearer as I proceed. I also like how the author gives you a little bit of background/new information then moves on to a different character's prospective. It makes you think and wonder about what the information could be linked to or what it has to do with the situation. Then just when you forget about it, she brings it back up again. The author's techniques are different. I find the whole story with Rachel in the hospital then living with her grandma and aunt while her dad is off doing who knows what is what is keeping me drawn in. I would really love to know why Roger is dangerous to the point where he thinks it is better to stay away from his own daughter to keep her safe. Maybe he is an alcoholic since he was drinking in the hospital when she got sick, so when he drinks he gets violent? I would also like to know what the little boy Charles has to do with any of the plot because he has only been mentioned once but what about now? What had happened to him after the fire? There is a good amount of mystery here and a bunch of questions I am hoping to have answered!

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