Monday, July 16, 2012

#2 The Girl Who Fell from the Sky

At first I didn't really think I would like The Girl Who Fell from the Sky but it is becoming more and more suspenseful as I am finding out clues one by one as to what had happened on that day up on the roof. I am a bout sixty percent done with the reading and things just got up close and personal. Rachel is portraying a major character change. When she first got to her grandma's she was shy, didn't have much to say, always listened and followed directions, and wore church clothes. I was completely shocked when she tried to kiss Drew, and even more so when she yelled at her grandmother about what she said about her mom. Now she is wearing tighter clothes and is a lot more interested in boys. What will happen next, I'm not quite sure but I'm eager to find out. Hopefully soon she will see why her father can't visit her. I believe it will be awkward for Rachel around her grandma and also Drew. She's starting to remember bits and pieces to what happened before the accident. Now all she wants to know is the truth and I feel it is going to be a journey to get to that point.

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