Friday, July 6, 2012

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 3

I have finished reading The Girl Who Fell From The Sky and was surprised when i read the ending. The most important scene is when Brick and Rachel first meet. This is because it must have been fate to have Brick and Rachel find each other. I feel like they have special bond with each other that they didn't even realize at first. I'm so glad that Brick told Rachel everything because I think it helped Rachel come back down to Earth. I predict that Rachel will go with Brick to Chicago or that they will end up together. I predict this because Brick understands Rachel like nobody else and Rachel needs that in her life right now. I saw a character change in Rachel at the end when she was with Brick because she was finally herself again and did not need to please anybody. I am a little disappointed because I wanted Rachel to see her father again. Maybe someday he will come back to see her and she can tell him about Brick. The Girl Who Fell From The Sky has a lot do to about the color of your skin. It would be a different world if people did not judge you on your appearance like the cover of a book. You need to keep on reading to find out whats inside and what their story is. I finally found out why Grandma does not like Nella because she is the reason why they died. I would not have predicted that Nella was the one to push them off the roof because she loved her children so much. But I feel she pushed them off the roof because she loved them and wanted them to have better and she could not give them that. All in all, The Girl Who Fell From The Sky was different than any book I have read but in a good way. It had an ending with meaning and showed character.

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