Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ghosts of War 3

Like It says on the back of the book, "It will change the way you feel about what it means to be an American." Reading this book helped me to understand America more and give me a different perspective about living in America. When Ryan talks about the joy of getting baskets and cards from schools, it makes you feel honored due to the fact that Watertown schools participated in this. Reading about this made me feel good about myself and others. It means a lot to know that they appreciate the gifts that we send them and don't toss the letters aside and think the gifts are everything. The story also changes you when he talks about the conditions that they are fighting in. Ryan uses adjectives such as dusty, bloody, frigid in the winter (especially at night), and unsafe. This makes us Americans be thankful for the shelter that were given and the things that we have. It also allows us to be thankful towards the soldiers who risk their lives in these horrible climates in order to give us freedom and rights. The soldiers at war deserve a moment of silence and a huge thanks! Without them, we would have no freedom. We would just be served as slaves.

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