Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 2

Now that I am three-fourths of the way in to reading The Girl Who Fell From The Sky, I have seen major character changes in a lot of people. Rachel used to be a shy, innocent girl. She would not get into trouble or act without respect. Now, she is getting into trouble between her love-life and starting fights. Also, Grandma has changed too. She is criticizing Rachel on how she is turning into her mother. And she gets drunk every not and bash on how life use to be compared to now. I was shocked to read that Aunt Loretta died because I did not think that would happen. I was also surprised to read that Rachel tried making a move on Drew, Aunt Loretta's fiance. It does not make sense to me that Nella did not know her children were black. Nor did Rachel know. Plus, I learned more about Rachel's father, Roger. He seemed like a nice guy that cared a lot about his children. But it was confusing when he said that he could of been the reason why Nella and her children passed away. I have found out why Roger has not seen Rachel since she got out of the hospital because he thinks he is bad luck towards her. I am still questioning why Grandma does not Nella and why she does not have anything of Roger showing around the house. I am about to start reading Part II of The Girl Who Fell From The Sky to find out more about what is going on.

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