Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky #3

Throughout the book, Rachel constantly tells herself she is the new girl. Rachel feels uncomfortable at her grandma's house. She can't make any friends at school. The black girls don't like Rachel because she has bright blue eyes and is light skinned, so she attracts guys attention. Rachel keeps to herself in the beginning of the book. Whenever she gets angry, or upset she holds in her feelings. She says she has a blue bottle inside of her and all her emotions get put in it. As I read further I noticed a character change in Rachel. On pg.151, Rachel comes home late and her grandma tells her not to be hoing herself around like her mom. Rachel finally gets the courage to let her emotions out, and says," You're a damn lie- that newspaper story proves it. My mom didn't do a damn thing!" In the beginning of the story, Rachel would have never done this.

Defending Jacob 3

The end of the book was really shocking to me. I could not believe that Jacobs mom killed him. I know that wouldn't have been easy for her to do, a mother always loves her children and she did this for the better. His mother realized that he was a murderer and did what is best for  him, his family, and the rest of the community. In doing this she may have saved others lives and I believe she made a great deciion, ensuuring that no one else would get hurt.

A Long Way Down 3

In part three I saw the character Jess change when her mother was trying to explain what Maureen had told her, to Jess, that her sister Jen mysteriously came back and took her earings and that she didnt blame Jess anymore. This is because Jess knew that the explanation that Maureen told her mother was highly unlikely, and yet she didnt say anything back to her mother to upset her like she normally would. She accepted what her mother said because even though Jess knew she wasn't seeing things in the right way, this could give her the comfort of knowing that her daughter could still be alive. And that was exactly what her mother needed at the moment.

A Long Way Down 2

In my opinion one of the most important scenes that took place in part two is when Jess, JJ, Martin, and Maureen went back to the top of Topper's House to meet on Valentine's day and witnessed a man throw himself off. This was very significant to all four of them because it made them realize how they had never been ready to take their own lives no matter how close they came to doing so. It had also brought them closer, because they had seen something that most people never have to. Hence, the only other people they could talk about it with was eachother, and this I believe will make them understand how much they do need one another to make it through their suicidal stage. They can help eachother by making themselves realize what is worth living for.

Defending Jacob 2

When it was revealed that Patz confessed I was completely shocked, especially because he revealed he did it from a note shortly before he committed suicide. I am surprised that Patz did it because, in my opinion, all of the evidence pointed towards Jacob. I am not sure why the police automically said it was Patz, even though he confessed he could have went insane and lied about it. It surpises me that they did not go ahead and further prove that he committed the murder.

Hole In My Life 3

In the third part of Hole In My Life, Jack's family has been watched by the FBI so they can catch jack and send him to prison. Jack eventually turns himself in because he knows it will only give him a better reputation in court especially with his drug dealing record. While in jail, Jack gets lice and gets his own cell until its gone. When he becomes lice free he decided to ask for a job. He got a job at the prison hospital and did x-rays on the prisoners who might have got injured. Jack get over his writers block and wrote down everything he experienced in jail and everything from his childhood. After his dad and uncle come to visit him, Jack has an idea or a way to escape jail. He decided to apply to college and if he got accepted he would be released. Jack did get accepted and was forced to move to New York, get an apartment, and ,also, have a steady job. His dad helped him with finding an apartment. In the end, Jack's mind wonders on whether the prisoners will find his journal and continue writing on about their lives in prison.

Hole In My Life 2

In part 2 of Hole In My Life, Jack Gantos teams with Rik and Hamilton who are both drug dealers. Jack has to go on an adventure to New York where he and the two other dealers will sell hash. Jack was only doing it so he can get $10,000 and go to college. Jack later in the trip becomes aware of how dangerous this mission is and what consequences he has to face if they get caught. He also realizes that Hamilton is really rude and inconsiderate. When the men reach Chelsea Hotel at the end of their hash sales, Hamilton and Rik get caught by the FBI. Jack's only escape is to travel back to Florida and stay at King's court.

Paper Towns 3

I really enjoyed the book, but didn't like the ending. I didn't like how Margo lead them on then when they showed up said she didn't really want to be found. Also i didn't like how Margo clearly liked Q but still did not go back home with them. I feel like if  Margo did go back with them and started having a relationship with Quentin they would have problems because even though they connected they have two totally different views on like. Margo wants to explore and see the world. Quentin knows what's going to get him a successful life and that's going to college and starting a his own life. I was disappointed in the ending, but that probably was the smartest choice.

Paper Towns 3

I was disappointed at the end of this book because throughout the book the Margo made her clues  sound like she wanted Quentin to find her. Although in the end after a long search and missing graduation to look for her, when they do find her she says that she did not want any one to find her and that she was not going to go back with them so in the end I thought that it was disappointing and a shock that Margo did not want to be found and would not go back with her friends. Overall I think the book was good I liked that almost the whole book they where looking for Margo and mystery of trying to find her.

Paper Towns 2

I think that it is interesting that Margo leaves all the clues to Quentin to find because they have not been close friends for a long time so how would he know where to go or know her enough to know what the clues meant. I also think that Quentin is changing because at the beginning of the book he was kinda shy and a outcast but now margo has changed him he is more of a risk taker by going and doing the list of breaking into Sea World and going to peoples houses.

Defending Jacob 3

The ending of Defending Jacob was very surprising and shocking! I never thought that Laurie would do that to her own son. Throughout the book, she had her doubts on Jacob’s innocence, and she wanted answers. She thought about Jacob’s childhood and was looking for signs. I feel like Andy had his doubts, but didn’t share them with anyone and kept them inside. It must have been hard for him to testify against his own wife for the murder of his own child. He already lost his son, and now he is there to send his wife to prison, meaning he would lose them both. Overall the book was very good and had a great plot. I enjoyed reading it and was glad I chose it for Summer Reading. 

Hole In My Life Part 3

The third and last part of the book, was about Jack getting caught with the two tons of hash.  At the begining he turned himself in to meet with his lawyer, in order to have the smallest penalty possible.  When he met with his lawyer, he found ou that Rik snitched on him, and told the cops everything about the whole operation, and how Jack was involved in it.  At this point without a miracle, Jack was going to face sometype of punishment, whether it be jail time or not.  When he was in front of the judge, Jack's lawyer tells the judge that he had no knowledge of the drugs on the ship, he claimed Jack was just hired to sail the ship to New York. hoping that it would help his client in any way shape or form.  Jack was put in jail for awhile, the only thing he had to look forward to was picking his face every day, until eventually he was offered a job in the medical part of the prison, eventually he was let go and became a free man.  Eventually he forfilled his dream and became a writer, with a rollercoaster of a past. 

Hole in My Life Part 1

When I close my eyes and think of Jack Gantos living in a motel when his family is living in a different country, I think he is ready for the real world.  He is able to live on his own and finish his last year of highshcool.  He has a dream to become a writter and trys to write every day but it is too hard for him.  Also, I see Jack throwing away his life when he starts smoking weed.  I think he will never make far on his own and never will become a writer.

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky #2

After Jamie sees the accident, a reporter asks him to make a statement. They ask him what his name is and he says Brick. Jamie does this because he wants a new history to his name. Brick gave up his Peterson's Field Guide, and went to the hospital to see Rachel. He met her father and was then told the story of Charles. Before the father leaves the hospital, Brick promises him he will tell Rachel the story. From there, he went on a long journey of drug abuse, and left behind everything including his mother, to fullfill the promise he made to Rachel's father. Not only did Brick make a history for his name, he made a story for Rachel's.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 3

I saw a character change in both Rachel and Brick in the last few pages of the book. Brick finally had the guts to tell Rachel who he really is and Rachel tells him what really happened the night her family died. She finally shares the story with someone. He tells her about the promise he had made to her father, and about her brother Charles. That night both characters really grew from kids to real adults and both went their seperate ways.

A Long Way Down #1

I liked starting the book because I knew that 4 people end up on a really high roof together wanting to end their own lives.  I read a lot at first just to find out their names, why they were up there, and what stopped them from jumping if they didn’t jump.  I also wanted to know how they would interact with each other (mean, nice, social, and silent).  They all had different attitudes when up there. Martin thinks about what he has done to himself, (losing his job and wife, and going to prison).   Maureen doesn’t know what to do with her life because of her disabled child, and she feels like she has nothing to live for.  Jess resorted to suicide when her boyfriend Chas broke up with her and Chas never explained why he did.   JJ felt like Maureen even though he was a lot younger, he still felt like he had nothing to live for. Now that I know more about all the characters I am still curious and interested on what is going to happen to them throughout the book.

Ghost of War part 3

I think that Ryan might try and get a job as a teacher teaching maybe an English class or writing.  He seems like he likes to write and likes to tell people about his experiences.

Paper Towns 1

So far I am liking this book. I think it is interesting the way the author has so many different personalities that together no one is the same they all are totally different especially Quentin's friends they are all totally different yet they work well together and understand each other. I also found it interesting that after so many years suddenly Margo is interested in becoming friends with Quentin and that even after so many years of not really being friends they know each other so well.

Paper Towns 2

I think Q is on the right track to find Margo after finding the map. Q's friends think Margo will show up for graduation Quentin believes she is better than that and doesn't want the attention. At first I didn't think Margo really wanted to be found because her clues do not lead to anywhere, but now i think she knows Q is smart and can feed off each clue and really become Margo Roth Spiegelman and start to think like her. So maybe she stopped leaving clues because she wants to see if he can figure it out without her giving away her destination. She wants someone to think like she does, to really connect with the journey.

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time #2

I had trouble understanding what Christopher was trying to explain about Sherlock Holmes. He may have been making a point that they're both smart in some ways such as their ability to concentrate, the way they observe certain things from a different perspective, and how they enjoy solving mysteries. It's nice to see how a kid like Christopher looks up to an intelligent man like Sherlock Holmes. And Christopher is, too, indeed a genius in his own way.

A long way down2

i cant believe after all that Jess went through she didn't get her explanation from chas. and martin had a date waiting for him at his house. and he didn't tell her why he was late or who they were.
Defending Jacob Post 3

I can’t imagine what it’s like for Andy to take the stand after his wife Laurie is severely injured and about to be put in jail and with his son dead.  I respect Andy’s composure; he is devastated but still has the self-control to go on the stand. I think this straightforward tone of Andy throughout the entire book, especially during his questioning in the second trial, makes the ending great.  What happened in the last chapter was a complete shock and something I did not expect.  I never expected Laurie to attempt suicide with Jake in the car. The change of life-style, the pressure, or the belief that Jake committed murder must have forced her to do this action. This leaves the audience to choose whether Jake murdered those two people or not which is an ending I think nobody expected.

Ghosts of War part 2

I'm so glad that Ryan is finally close to going home.  I can imagine how his family felt when they got the letter that he is close to leaving.  You can tell that him and the rest of EQ platoon is really tired of being in Iraq and are ready to go home.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 2

I found it really interesting that Brick never had given up on his promise to find Rachel after all the years that had passed in the story. After living the way he did all those years on his own, I am surprised that he was still trying to find Rachel. If it were me, I probably wouldn't have made it, and definitely wouldn't be able to live up to my promise. I think that Brick finally finding Rachel will be a turning point in the story.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 1

It doesn't make any sense that just because Rachel is mixed race, she is not accepted by anyone in her school. It is the 1980s and by this time people should not be so racist. The African American girls are jealous of her long hair and blue eyes, so they bully her. She only has one friend, and  is surprised that the only person who is nice to her is white. It is sad to read that people don't accept her even when she just lost her mother, hasn't seen her father in a long time. She lives with her grandmother and aunt. She feels better for a while to get to know her family, but things get worse when her aunt passes away.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky #1

Rachel sometimes at the end of a chapter would flash back to the accident. Each time Rachel would tell a little more about Mor bringing her with Robbie and Ariel up to the rooftop.  Each time they would listen to Mor talk about her childhood, or how much she loved them, but could not protect them from everything. they would then follow her and step a little closer to the edge. They were up there a total of 3 times that week. As I read this, I could picture Nella going on to the roof with her two kids and baby in her arms. It made me wonder how Nella could honestly go through with pushing Robbie off the building then proceeding to jump off with Ariel. I can't even imagine what had to be going through her mind. Mor thought ending her kids lives was better than them being called names or being thought of as just a color.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time #4

Throughout the book, Christopher had many traumatic things happen to him. For Example, he was arrested and given a caution because he punched a police officer. Christopher didn't know any better because when things get loud or people surround him, he sort of goes into overload and can't think straight. Another time was when he witnessed Mrs. Shears dog Wellington on the ground dead with a garden fork sticking out of it, so Christopher picked up the dog. He was then arrested as a suspect to killing the dog even though he was only curious as to what happened. Therefore in the end of the book when Christopher learns that his father was lying to him about his mother's death , I was pleased to see him reunited with his mother again. I was also glad he was able to begin to trust his father and get an A on his A level Maths.

Hole In My Life Part 2

When Jack arrives in St. Croix, drugs were everywhere, it was a part of everyday life.  Jack smoked alot of marijuana, when he arrived in St. Croix.  Jack was still in reading alot, and learning as much as possible about writing through reading as he can.  He was trying to make reading the number one priority in his life, as well as be inspired by books.  One day after work Jack met, a man named Rik, at a dock, and when he got there he was offered a job, with a profit of 10 grand.  He was to sail a ship to New York, and on the ship was 2 tons of hash.  He accepted will little hesitation, and didnt think of the possible consequences he might face.

Hole In My Life Part 1

This book starts of as the author Jack Gantos as a 19 year old kid still in highschool, well multiple highschools.  His family moved alot and Jack had little supervision.  He really had everything.  Then he was arranged to live with a family, the Bacons. He eventually was kicked out, for drinking too much and throwing up in the house.  Jack is essentially a kid, outta highschool just trying to get by, he eventually moved into a unit in the King's Court, and he stayed there for a while.  Jack loved reading, he wanted to be a writer when he grew up, and when he got his own place he was drinking less, and reading more.  It was a step in the right direction, in terms of wasting his life drinking and doin nothing. He created a journal, where he wrote down certain things that were in the books her read fro example, one section was about the the vocabulary heh didn't know, he intended to use eventually in his own work. At this point he is just a vulnerable kid, who wants to get by, and become a writer.  He has ambitions like any kid. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Paper Towns 1

I am loving Paper Towns. It is so far a great story! I Love how Quentin and him friends are so close. Also how it is not a typical story where a the main character is popular. I also love how Quentin is so set on finding Margo that he keeps searching for clues to find her. At first I didn't like Margo's personality because she hasn't talked to Quentin in years and has been neighbors with him forever then all just shows up at his house asking him to drive her all over. She seemed rude to me, but then i started think about why she chose him and i think she wanted to be with nicer people instead of her normal "friends". I predict Quentin will find her and make it back and ask her to go to prom with him.

Ghosts of War part 1

I can imagine what it is like for Ryan to join the reserve s and be told that he can go home and will have to wait to see if he has to be sent over to Iraq and wait for months with no response. It must have been annoying to have gotten used to military life during BT and then go back to civilian life and know that you might have to make the switch back.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 3

After finishing the book I predict that Christopher will grow up to be a very successful person and maybe even get married. And this is because he found the letters, solved the mystery of Wellingtons death and made the journey to London to live with his mother. I predict this because he has matured and grown out of fears of meeting new people and going new places. That combined with Christopher's brilliant mind makes Christopher be able to do anything he sets his mind to.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 2

I saw a character change when Christopher's father buys Christopher the dog. In the beginning of the story it seemed like he was distant from Christopher and he didn't understand that Christophers mind worked different than his own. He was determined to stop Christopher's investigation of Wellington's death. He doesn't understand that to Christopher dogs are like humans and that Christopher valued Wellington's life as much as he valued his fathers life. Then when Christopher finds the letters he still doesn't understand this and he tell him that he killed Wellington. This is why I think that when Christopher was on his journey to London his father realized that Christopher's mind is different than his. Then he changed When Christopher and his mother return to Swindon he treats Christopher differently. He helps him regain trust by buying him the dog and making the garden with him. This shows he understands Christopher better than before and therefore has changed.

Hole In My Life 1

The first part of Hole In My Life is a reflection of Jack Gantos past. Jack faced many difficulties like being kicked out of his house, dropping out of high school, getting kicked out of the Bacon's house, and having to start a life on his own. During this time he began to smoke marijuana and find his inner writer. As Jack starts to live on his own he realizes that he has no income and has no place to live so his future is going to begin to get tough. 

paper towns 3

The ending of the book was honestly disappointing. The entire story line sets you up to believe that as soon as Quentin finds Margo he intends to persuade her to come back home, or be with him. But while in the field with her, he says "I will gain nothing from kissing her" which leads me to believe that he really didn't love her as much as I thought, or as much as was outlined, because I thought he would do whatever he could to be with her and to get her to come back, anything to keep her from going to new york, right? But the ending is very boring, it says very briefly that they will see eachother at the end of the summer, and write, but with the type of character Margo was, I wonder if she will actually go through with having a steady relationship with Quentin after this whole ordeal.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 1

A pivotal scene in this book is in chapter 157 when Christopher continues to open the letters. His father said he hid the letters because he didn't think Christopher could understand why . I disagree with his fathers reasoning behind hiding the letters. He didn't understand that if he didn't tell Christopher, he would have found out anyway because Christopher is a very curious person. It is wrong to lie regardless of the person your lying to. I think the father is lying to himself and Christopher. I think he really did it because he couldn't bear to face the truth. So Christopher finding out will help both him and his father. It will help Ed because he will finally come to grips with Christopher's mother leaving. It will help Chistopher better understand the minds and feelings of others.When he realizes that his father had lied to him and that his mother was alive the whole time his world is turned upside down. His picture of what other people think and how they feel changes. I think in the rest of his life this will help him succeed and have the ability to connect with other people.

A Long Way Down 3

Close to the end, Jess wanted to have an intervention with all of the close friends and family of Maureen, JJ, Martin, and herself. The intervention started off well until JJ and Ed went outside to fight and Martin left because of his jealousy of Penny flirting with the nurse. Then, Jess left because of her argument with her parents. Overall, the intervention was a fail. After the intervention, everybody went their own ways until the 90 days were up. Martin decided to gain more respect from the world by volunteering to help young kids read, so he helped this one kid Pacino. JJ went on to talk with Ed and Lizzie. Jess met this guy named "Nodog". Maureen kept on caring for Matty by going to a different care facility. At the end, the four of them met at Toppers' House and discussed them jumping off, but it seemed like none of them wanted to. So, they just watched a Ferris Wheel to see if it was moving.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Long Way Down 2

As the story progresses, its strange to see how the characters function together. Jess is almost like a delinquent daughter or sister to them, and for some reason they don't let her incredibly abrasive personality drive them away. In this second part of the story, JJ bonds with Maureen when she punches a man in the face. I found it both interesting and funny that he felt so connected with her at that moment. I think that if she had not punched him, he would never have suggested that they go on a vacation, re-timing their return time; perhaps they never would have even seen the man jump had they not gone on the vacation! The author sort of stealthily ties the characters together. Jess and Martin are closest with each other because Martin has met with Jess's father, been to her house, etc., while JJ and Maureen are closest because they bonded over Maureen punching Chas.

A Long Way Down 1

I thought the beginning of the book was very interesting. What most stuck out to me was that each of the older characters, (JJ, Martin, and Maureen) decided that they all had "good" reasons to jump, and wouldn't allow Jess to take her life. Who are they to judge who should live and who should die? Perhaps, had they not heard Maureen's entire story, they wouldn't have allowed her to jump; she was a single mother who was caring for her son, and her death would leave him all alone. However, they somehow justified that she could die, while Jess could not. Furthermore, the 4 character's personalities clash constantly. Maureen, a quiet, aging,  churchgoing single mother, gets stuck with a foul mouthed drugged up teenager, a middle aged American ex-rocker, and a morning TV show host that everybody in England seems to hate. I think it will be very interesting how the characters either learn to cope with each others' differences, or how they react to their polar opposites.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time- Post 3

After reading chapter 229, I am both intrigued and disturbed by Christopher's interpretation of paradise. His idea of peace and tranquility is a world where nearly everybody is dead, which is contrary to most peoples' need for human contact. I imagine Christopher feels this way about people because his condition has made him completely different from everybody he has ever met. He has never found a living person that he could connect with, and this has lead him to develop a distrust for all people, hence his wish for a life of solitude.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time- Post 2

After reading the letter addressed to Chrisopher from his mother in chapter 149, I was astonished when I understood that Christopher's father lied to him about his mother's death. A lie of this magnitude is not expected of a good parent, especially when it lacks proper justification. I understand why Christopher's father would believe the mother's affair and move would be hard for Christopher to accept, but did he honestly believe a feign death would be a good substitution? It seems that this lie is more to protect himself than it is to protect Christopher.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time- Post 1

After reading chapter 61, I found it odd when Christopher boldy claims that heaven doesn't exist, and this observation lead to my realization that Christopher cannot understand abstract concepts. Unless something is completely literal, Christopher is confused by it. The ideas of faith, sarcasm, and metaphors are to Christopher as a foreign language is to one of us. Such literal interpretations of speech would make having a casual conversation with Christopher very difficult, and explains his lack of an expansive social life.

Ghosts of War Responses

1. The scenes in Iraq with the explosions are very sad and graphic. The author really goes into detail about these things, mentioning how he saw body parts raining down from the sky. Also, the part where he gives MREs and water to the starving children is moving. It changes his as well as our idea of what the war is really about. It wasn't about Saddam Hussein or oil, but about the freedom of the people. This was a major point in the story.

2. The coincidence of the flying bombs is interesting. The timing is just right. When they thought that one would go off, they would hear an explosion, and sometimes several more. When they were outside walking somewhere, the bombs would appear out of nowhere, causing them to run off. The innocence of the student's letters is very interesting. They have no idea who they are writing to, or what the war is even about, but they still write letters showing that they care. Each letter is addressed "Soldier" since they do not know who will be getting it. The candy sent also shows how much they truly care. The author even stated that it was not taken for granted, since they have no candy where they are.

3. The story about the Gulf War child is very shocking. People are watching as this boy is torn away from his only living relative, his mother. The woman who did everything to make sure that they both survived, and who loved her son with all her heart, was ruthlessly murdered right in front of him, who was then taken away to become a soldier. This is very upsetting. This was the main reason why the U.S. was sent in to Iraq in the first place, which was to gain the people's freedom. Toward the end of the book, the silhouette at the side of Ryan's bed which made his night terrors go away was very interesting. He did not know who or what it was, but at the same time, it was able to grant him peace and to make him relax. It made his night terrors go away for good. That was a very intense part of the story. He thought that it was his killer, coming to finish him off, when it made him less apprehensive about all of his worries.

paper towns 2

I'm surprised that no one can tell that Quinton is in love with Margo, seeing as though he is so dead set on finding her and he makes it open to everyone that he went through her room with his friends. I'm sure his friends have caught on somewhat to the idea that he want's to be with her, but they seem like typical teenage boys caught up in one night stands and the whole idea of prom. Where as, Quinton is more mature for his age, he thinks the prom is trivial unless he were to go with Margo because he loves her.

Paper towns 1

I predict that Margo will fall in love or at least start to develop feelings for Quenton as well. I think they balance each other out. Margo tries to let everyone around her think that she's this dare devil extreme thrill seeker, but, from what she tells Quenton, it seems that she's scared for the future, going off to college and having kids seems like nonsense to her, to create a carbon copy of herself and settle down takes away from all the fun she's having. Where as Quenton's views are opposite, but he's intrigued by her. Margo reminds me of a fire, and she needs Quenton to douse her out. That's why she chooses him to plot her revenge on everyone with, that's why she opens up her entire world to him in that one night. I think they need each other, and even though Quenton is the one hopelessly in love with her; I think she needs him more than he thinks he needs her.

Defending Jacob 3

Yesterday I finished reading Defending Jacob, and have to say I was very surprised on the ending of the story, I never would have thought Laurie would kill her own son.  It supports what I said in my last post, it seemed that Laurie had given up on her own son. I was saddened at the end for Andy, becuase one he had just been through Jacob's indicment and now he has to go through Laurie's, he also has to testifiy againest his own wife, for murdering his son.  If I was in his situation I don't know whether I would want her to go to jail, this tests ethics, to the extremes becuase he could send his wife to jail forever, and would be alone, and his name will never be thought about in a good way.  Overall this was a great book, it had a great plot, and a very intersting conflict, that tests human ethics and behaviors, it shows how far parents will go for thier child.  This really was great book.

Ghost of war 2

 I saw a character change in Ryan Smithson when he saw the twin towers fall. That event is really inspired him to join the army.

Ghost of War

When I close my eyes I see all the hungry children begging for food in Iraq. It makes me sad just like when I volunteered at the soup kitchen. Hungry children anywhere just isnt right.

Defending Jacob 2

I am starting to doubt Jacob's innocence mainly because him and Ben weren't exactly "friends." Derek told Mr. Barber all about school and how Ben was a bully towards Jacob. This gives Jacob a motive and reason to murder Ben. Towards the beginning of the book, I thought Leonard Patz would have been the right person to suspect, but all evidence points to Jacob Barber. There was a fingerprint on the zipper of Ben's sweatshirt, and there is also the "murder gene." I wouldn't be surprised if Jacob was presumed guilty.

Defending Jacob 1

A father will stick with their child throughout their life. They will believe everything their child says/does because they are a spitting image of themselves. There were many reasons why Andy Barber would dispose of the knife, but mainly because he didn't want his son to be accused. He did not believe Jacob could do such a thing because he only sees his son as the child he once was. There was the murder gene, which was Andy Barber's secret, which could be part of the reason why he disposed of the knife. He himself was a lawyer and knew what would happen if Jacob was accused and the knife was found. The father-son relationship is not close, and Mr. Barber does not understand Jacob's life.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 3

I predict that Rachel will grow up and marry Brick at the end of the story. This will happen because it was fate that the two would end up meeting each other again after they've lived in the same building and Brick witnessed the whole incident of Rachel and her family falling from the roof. Also, as soon as Brick kissed Rachel's hand, he knew that it was her and he did think she was very beautiful and Rachel thought he was very nice. As the story goes on, I predict the two will fall in love and eventually get married. It was fate that brought them back together after all those years and they are meant to be together.

A Long Way Down 2

I'm not exactly 100% sure on what Maureen's reason is. It's kind of unclear at the moment.

A Long Way Down 1

As I'm reading the story of Jess and her ex Chas on page 43, it's actually starting to make me angry. The fact that she's going to jump off a building because one guy owes her an explanation is totally crazy. See, she kinda stalks the guy and even if he does owe her an explanation, I'm on his side. She's a lunatic for wanting to kill herself over a break up. If I were in Chas's position, I'd have a restraining order put on her. Not to mention she's rude and insensitive on the roof with the 3 others.

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

I really like this book because I can connect to how the main character, Christopher, feels considering my brother also has a mild case of autism. There's certain things that bother them like how loud a sound is or how something feels. I think it's cool how interested Christopher is in the case of the murder of Mrs. Shears's dog. But I don't like how his father treats him and it's the same with how my dad treats my brother. They see the children as kids who don't act smart even though they really are. They're both really good at math but when they do stupid things they get called "retarded" and I think that's just cruel. I watch my dad and read about Christopher's father being mean to their sons and it breaks my heart to see that they don't understand how the autistic mind works. Therefore, they think the only way to help them is by yelling at them and calling them names. I hope to read further into the book that Christopher's father learns to accept his disability in a positive manner.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Girl That Fell From The Sky 3

I did not like the way the book ended, it didn't say what happened to anyone. When i read what Nella, Rachel's mother did to her children it shocked me to think that a mother would do that for her kids "safety". I truely thought someone really did push them off the edge. I think Rachel was trying to act too grown up towards the end of the book. And I loved how drew acted like a father figure to her because she has never had that in her life. I wish the book was longer or told us how she turned out as a person.

A Long Way Down 3

In part 3 of A Long Way Down, Jess and Maureen are impelled to visit Martin's ex-wife Cindy because they thought that she would take Martin back but that wasn't the case. Instead, Cindy married a blind guy and did not want Martin back. But she does want to help him. Jess, later, calls up everyone who is involves in Martin, JJ, and Maureen's life so they can have an intervention. Jess thinks that an intervention will be a good way for everyone to fix their problems. Eventually, JJ, Lizzie, and Ed storm out to fight, then Jess and Martin leave as well. Jess leaves town and finds a guy who she calls Nodog and thinks he is very inspirational and has an answer for everything. Martin takes advice from Cindy and does better for himself by teaching a boy named Pacino to read. The problem with that is Pacino has no intention to learn. Maureen and the nurses become close. On the ninetieth day they all meet in a pub and contemplate whether it is good idea or not to convince a random guy not to commit suicide. Then they gather on top of Toppers' House and gaze at a Ferris wheel and try to figure out if it is rotating or not.

Defending Jacob 2

Right now I am at the part where Jacob and his parents are in the court room talking to Jonathan. I am extremely surprised when Laurie, Jacobs mother, blurts out a comment against her own son. I know it is wrong if you lie in a very serious situation or defend someone while lying, but his mom told Jonathan about the "inherited violence disease" when that topic wasn't even on the subject. I am getting a feeling that Jacobs mom has a strong feeling that he was the murderer and she will not, under any circumstances, defend her son.

This book is so good. the main characters are now realizing that there are people are the same situation as them self's. they are talking out why they are all there and the reasons for wanting to die.

A Long Way Down 2

In part 2 of A Long Way Down, Jess encourages everyone to gather annually but Martin thinks that meeting will just make the situation more difficult. JJ and Maureen are content with it because JJ has a terrible job and nobody else England and all Maureen does is take care of Matty. After the slight breakdown that Maureen has the four decide it would be suitable to go on a holiday. During the holiday Jess gets into a bar fight with a girl who resembles her sister Jenn, JJ finds a girl who has barely heard of his old band, Martin finds it unnecessary to be there and hides from his problems, and Maureen becomes more relaxed. After the trip the four met again on the rooftop where they first met, and upon reuniting they spot a man sitting in the spot where Martin was sitting on the night they met. As JJ tries to convince him that its not worth jumping and he has so much the live for the man throws his cigarette of the edge, then throws himself.

A Long Way Down 1

In part 1 of A Long Way Down, four suicidal strangers meet on the rooftop of a fifteen story building and in time they find the greater values of each other to find away to stop the suicide pact. Martin, a middle-aged newsman, recently released from jail, finds himself at the top of the building after facing grief and humiliation from the public. Maureen, a stressed mother in need of an escape from depression, untimely, meets Martin at the roof of the building, joining him in the pact of suicide. Next to join is Jess, a young girl who is unable to recover from a one-night stand. Lastly, J.J, an American rock star whose band took a turn for the worse and whose girl left him unexpectedly, joins in. Together the four try to find a way to make there live more bearable.

Revolution 3

The book ended in a happy and positive way. Andi pulled herself together and graduated high school and her mother recovers from her mental issues. Both of them move to Paris to stay and Andi uses her musical talents to heal patients in a hospital. Even though the story may have been dark in some places having a happy and positive ending made it a really good book to read.

Revolution 2

Reading the diary that Andi found in the guitar case was very interesting. The diary tells a lot of the history of the French Revolution and what it was like to live during this time. It was one of my favorite parts because I got to learn about the French Revolution and now I know what it was like back in 1700's.

Revolution 1

I could never imagine my brother getting run over by a car and the guilt I'd feel because it was my fault. Andi left her brother to walk to by himself to school because she wanted to hang out with a friend. She realized too late that her brother was in trouble and that he was run over. As bad as it sounds, her brother being killed was her fault and going through that tough time must have been very difficult.

A Long Way Down 2

I thought it was a great idea for JJ to suggest them to go on vacation because they need time off from their worthless lives. I know Maureen feels bad leaving Matty home, but the four of them need time away from the things that make them want to kill themselves even more.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 2

As Rachel is getting older she is introdused to a summer job working with Drew. Here she meets Jesse who shows her that it doesnt matter what skin color you are but whats under the skin. She feels very comfortable around Jesse, whom is white. An important part in the book is when Drew takes her to see a Blues singer Etta James. I believe this is an important part because when she is explaining to Drew what she thinks Blues music is i think she is finally realizing that it is not good to keep all your emotions inside it is good to express what you feel. I think she is going to start sharing her emotions.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime#3

I can imagine what it's like for chris to travel so far alone becuase i have had to do that before when i went to go visit some family that i hadn't seen in a long time.

The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime #2

It doesn't make sense that chrises mom moved back with his father, when she left in the first place. she just walked in like nothing happened.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 2

The most important scene of the book is when Rachel dreams of her mother, Mor, her sister, Ariel, and her brother, Robbie as angels on Christmas night. She imagines them singing and dancing around the Christmas tree together which symbolizes how bad Rachel wanted to be with them again because dreams usually demonstrate people's wishes. She was wishing she could spend time with them again, but it also shows that Rachel knew her family members became angels and were always with her because she did, in fact, dream that they were with her on Christmas night.

Monday, July 23, 2012

the curious incident of the dog in the night time3

When I read the end of the book I can honestly say I was thoroughly pleased. I feel as if Christopher's character has developed into learning the feeling of forgiveness, because when he first found out his father killed Wellington and lied about his mother being dead, he wanted to run away and never return, let alone speak to him. But by the end, with much reinforcement from the environment around him, he learns to talk to him and he states how he helps him in the garden and such. I also paid attention to the way the other characters grew. Christopher's mother has accepted him as a part of her life and leaves Roger, which was a good choice in my opinion because Roger did not know how to handle being around Christopher and often made a sarcastic or rude remark, of which Christopher did not pay attention to, but it still showed his true colors. I am proud of both parents for settling their differences at the end and not arguing for Christopher's sake. The last paragraph also puts a smile on my face because of the way Christopher is describing how now, he feels as if he can do anything, because of his accomplishment of an A on his math's test, and the completion of a novel.

Paper Towns 1

As I read the first couple chapters of my book, I noticed a character change. The girl that Quentin explains is not the Margo that she was in the beginning of the story. All of a sudden, she's a trouble maker, a man attractor, and has a mind of a criminal. In the beginning, she seems to be a simple and friendly girl. The way she looks at Q and talks to him is just like a normal person would do. Then, as she plots a revenge on her ex boyfriend, her old friend, and other people, she drags Q into it and bosses him around to drive her all over as he helps her with the revenge. I feel like Margo will break Q's heart even though they aren't dating. Since Q likes her, and she's becoming a bad influence, he may risk many different challenges and battles as the story goes on just to please her and make her like him. This, can lead to getting arrested by the police and I feel as if the story will turn out that way in the long run.

Ghosts of war

i was very interested when i was reading about the dust devils. The author really painted a scene in my mind. The scene was very interesting and left me guessing

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time 3

I can just imagine what it must be like to live with autism and have to deal with a lot of difficulties. Christopher was very brave when he felt unsafe in his fathers house and traveled all alone to London. A big fear that he had was having to go on a train full of strangers that he is uncomfortable with. I give him a lot of credit to push through his fears and risk getting in trouble with policemen who are trying to capture him. Even though there were some issues along the way and he feared a few things, it didn't stop him! He kept climbing for what he wanted and achieved his goal of going to live with his mother. When I want something as bad as Christopher did, I go for it wether its a struggle or not. The end of the book was super exciting since he reached his mother in London. This is exciting because he had never seen his mother since she supposedly passed away when he was young. This is a huge moment for him. It's also exciting because due to her decision to leave London and go back to his hometown where she once lived when she was married to his father. This meant that Christopher would be able to take his A level math class and be able to get A grades all year long. After the exam was taken to see if he qualified for the A level Maths, he was told that he passed the test and would go into A level math class. Christopher was very excited about not only his A level math class or finding his mother, but, he solved the case of the dog at last and could call his book done.

the curious case of the dog in the night time part 3

I never thought that Christopher would decide to go all the way to his mother'a house in London to get away from his father. Christopher was always so shy and afraid of new people and places I didn't think that he was going to be able to make it all the way there.

The Curious Case of the Dog in the Nighttime 3

After finishing this book I wonder how the story would have been different if Christopher had listened to his father and not continued his investigation of Wellington. If he had stopped his investigation he would not have found the letters from his mother and therefor would not have found out that his motehr was still alive and living in London. Christopher would not have had the oppurtunity to take an adventure on his own when traveling to London. His journey helped him to grow and experience new things and without it he would not have been exposed to the real world. If he stayed with his father he would continue to live in a life of lies because that's all his father had been telling him. Finding the letters was the best possible thing for Christopher and it helped mature in many ways.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime 2

Christopher in this book reminds me of Lennie from Of Mice and Men. Both characters are underestimated for intelect in Christopher's case and strength in Lennie's case. Both characters also show deep compassion for animals which others do not understand. Christopher gets extremely concerned when Wellington gets killed and insists on solving the mystery and Lennie collects pet mice to hold and care for. Lennie and Christopher also both have someone looking over them and people who they both trust. Siobhan is Christopher's teacher who he looks up to and runs to when he can no longer trust his father and George is Lennie's best friend who gets him jobs and makes sure he is taken care of all the time. Both characters are not understood by many people except for the two people that they trust most.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime 1

The story of the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime was very interesting because of the point of view in which is was told. This book was different from many others because of the fact that it was told from the perspective of a young boy with autism. I found it very intriguing the way Christopher saw things, thought things out and his special ways to calm himself down (by doing mathematic equations). I saw Christopher change as a person when he made the journey to his mother's house in London because he experienced things, on his own, that he had never experienced before, such as traveling on a train and leaving the country without his parents. This helped Christopher mature and completely change as a person.

Defending Jacob 3

Throughout the entire book Andy Barber does not want to face the reality that Jacob might be guilty of the murder of Ben Rifkin. He lies to himself and denies all the facts that are presented against Jacob. Laurie Barber is able to face reality and realize that their son might be a murderer and together they must think of any signs that Jacob might have shown as a child that something was wrong. Laurie begins to recall times that other kids have gotten injured while playing with Jacob, but Andy gets extremely upset as his wife begins to tell the doctor about possible warning signs that Jacob portrayed. Mr. Barber also does things to protect his son, even though he claims his son has nothing to do with the murder. He throws Jacob's knife away after he learns that it fits the description of the knife that Ben Rifkin was murdered with. He claims he is trying to protect his son from the public's opinions, however if he believes that Jacob has nothing to do with the murder he should not have done those things to help him.

the curious incident of the dog in the night-time 2

I predict that Christopher is going to get an A on his maths because even though he said he was exhausted and hungry while taking it, his mind still works like no others and he's incredibly intelligent. Christopher is also very determined to get an A and it really doesn't seem like he's going to settle for anything less than what he wants.

Defending Jacob 2

I predict that Andy Barber will end up committing some sort of crime, whether it be murder or something less severe. One clue that lead me to this prediction was the "murder gene". Andy's father Billy Barber was put in jail for committing numerous crimes including murder, and Andy's son is being accused of murdering a fellow classmate. The recurring fact that Andy is the only one is his family that has not yet portrayed the "murder gene" seems to be a foreshadowing hint that he will do someething that Loguidice will use as evidence and support to prove that Jacob killed Ben Rifkin.

the curious incident of the dog in the night-time 3

I saw a huge change in Christopher's father by the end of the book. When Christopher carried on with his Wellington investigation, the father and Christopher got into a fight and shortly after that Christopher found the letters that his father had been keeping from him. The father was almost in shock when he found the letters and he was extremely worried when he ran away to go find his mother, who was in fact alive. By the end, the father buys Christopher a dog and asks him to trust him again and he said that he'd do whatever it takes for him to earn his trust back.

Defending Jacob 1

I saw a major change in Laurie, or Mrs. Barber throughout the book Defending Jacob. In the beginning she is described as being a "shoulder to lean on for the other mothers" and the one who stays strong through everything. However, when she herself is put into the position where it seems as if all the pressure in the world is on her, she breaks down. She shuts herself of from her son, her husband and the rest of the community. She becomes more and more like Andy Barber in the sense that she holds all of her feelings in and does not open up to anyone. She becomes very frail and weak and the trial in a sense kills her. Even after the trial Laurie is unable to return to her normal life which included being a school teacher and surrounding herself with the ladies in her community. Overall the trial took a negative toll on Laurie herself and the entire Barber family.

Paper Towns 2

After getting to the 6th chapter of Paper Towns I definetly think that Margo brought Q out that night because she was waiting to do something.  I feel like a mystery/missing will happen and it will show that Margo really is one.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Paper Towns 3

Everybody was trying to find Margo and they were getting very frustrated. I wondered what was in the black notebook she carried around and at the end of the story she told Quentin that it started off as a story about them and the death of Robert Joyner. And ever since then she kept writing in it. I was shocked when I read about Ben and Lacey. I would not have thought that they would have ended up together. Little by little Q was becoming more like Margo. Ever since the beginning of the story though, I thought the whole "paper towns" thing was a little confusing. I would have never thought that Quentin, Lacey, Ben, and Radar would skip graduation to find Margo. But, when they found her it was not at all as what I thought was going to happen. Margo was completely rude to Lacey when she didn't even know how much effort Lacey put in into finding her. Also, I would have never guessed that Margo did not want to be found due to the clues that were not actually meant to be clues. I was extremely happen when Margo and Quentin expressed their feelings towards each other because in the end they were meant to be. I hope that Margo comes back to see everybody because she is a big part in Q's life and many other people.

Paper Towns 2

Q is trying extremely hard to find Margo due to all the hints she has given him. I think she gave him the hints because they had a connection. Quentin liked Margo for herself and she didn't have to act like somebody else around him. I wonder why she is doing this now because of prom and graduation coming around the corner. At first I thought Margo was dead but now I feel like there is a little bit of hope that she might be alive after all. Q is beginning to understand Margo and her thoughts and away more. He is seeing her true thoughts inside that she didn't share with anybody but herself. I see a character change in Q because he use to be a good boy but now he is lying to his parents and much more in order to find Margo.

Paper Towns 1

When I first read the prologue of Paper Towns, I predicted that either Quentin or Margo died. This is because they were talking about the murder of Robert Joyner and then Margo randomly told Quentin to shut his window and Quentin said one of them disappeared. But once I got to the first chapter I realized that my predictions were wrong. I was so glad that Margo knocked on Quentin's window that night. This is because if Margo decided to not chose Quentin to fulfill her pranks with, it would not have been the same. Margo brought of the rebel in Quentin that night for the first time ever. I felt that Margo was dead when I heard that she went missing the next day due to the way she was talking to Q the night before. She was saying things that people who were ready to die, or go away for a long time would say.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time #3

Throughout the book we discover Christopher is more comfortable being alone than being with others. This becomes a reoccuring theme in many chapters. For example, many times at all hours of the night, his parents would find him wondering in the streets. Christopher did this because he likes being alone and in silence. Other times, he would be laying in the garden looking up at the stars. Another example, is when Christopher has a reoccuring dream in chapter 229. He dreams people get a virus and it kills off most of the world except for people like him. This is so he can be alone, because no one will talk, touch, or ask him a question.

Defending Jacob 2

I am now about 85% done with Defending Jacob and all the evidence points to Jacob being the killer.  It all seem circumstantial but in the trial the public just wants someone in jail so they have piece of mind.  At this point Billy Barber has come into the story, and it's interesting how never in his life has Andy needed his father and now he needs him more then ever, the DNA, in order to help prove Jacob's innocence. At this point Patz has little involvment in the story and nothing looks good for Jacob, even his mother seems to believe that Jacob will be said to be guilty, almost like she has given up on her son.  I think this is ethically wrong, she created Jacob and is his mother, and part ofo being a mother is supporting thier child through thick and thin, and by the multiple implications of Laruie's actions and behaviors it seems that she has goven up.  However Andy is 100% positive that Jacob is innocent, and has always thought that he is being a good father, standing by his son when very few people will.  I still think that Patz is the actual killer, he has a past, and a person speaking against him, Matthew Magrath who Patz assulted, and it's my gut feeling.  Everything points to Jacob, but i think in the end sometime of evidence will surface proving Leanord Patz did this.

Defending Jacob 1

If Andy is a district attorney, he should have some knowledge about putting clues together. When everyone was all gathered to remember Ben at his house in grief, Jacob was not polite like everyone else was. "My own son, Jacob, sat in a low chair, lank and gangly, apart from others. He gazed into his cell phone screen, uninterested in the conversations around him."  (pg. 11)  Also, before McCormick Middle School opened again after 5 days of being closed, Jacob's mom, Laurie, asked him if he was nervous or scared to go back. His response was short and quick. "I don't feel like talking."   (pg 25)  He could have just made something up, but instead he put up a fight.  Finally, at the end of chapter 5 when Andy found the knife in Jacob's top drawer he described the knife the exact same way the holes in Ben's chest were described in the murder. In my opinion, Andy has a feeling that something is up, but he doesn't think that his own son was the one who did it. Also, Jacob is his only child and it is all he has in life, so he does the wrong thing and keeps everything he knows a secret, just like his son is.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Defending Jacob 3

I did not think that the book would end the way that it did. I can not believe that Laurie would kill her own son. I can not imagine what she was going through and that anyone would or even think of  killing their own son. Also why she would doubt that her son was innocent especially at the end. Also I thought that it was ironic that Andy did everything he could to keep his family safe in the beginning and could never imagine what the Rifkin's where going through, but in the end he lost everything even more then they did, he lost his son and his wife. In the end I thought that the book was ok but it did move kinda slow through the middle but the end got better.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time 2

The most important part of the story is the whole middle section of the book. The suspense of the story builds up when Christopher finds letters addressed to him in the room that he is never to be in, his fathers room. When Christopher opens the letters and finds out that his dad lied to him about his mother being dead, he comes to conclusion that he can no longer trust his own father. When his father finds Christopher with the letters, his father tries to explain himself and decides to tell the truth about not only his mom, but turns himself into Christopher that he is the one who killed the next door neighbors dog, Wellington. Christopher's dad also tells his son that there will be no more lying and promises to tell the truth from here on in. However, Christopher has already lost trust in his dad and can no longer forgive him since trust means everything to Christopher. Now, Christopher believes that his dad will kill him and decides to sneak out of the house to live in the garden. I predict that Christopher will either travel to find his mother or he will turn his father into the police. I predict this because of the past events that took place such as his detective work, his talk with the policeman, and his time that he spent in the jail cell.

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha- Post 3

In the passage where Patrick's teacher demands he shows his mother Sinbad's ruined worksheet, I found it interesting when he decides to go against his orders. Before this point in the story, Patrick has always been a horrible older brother. He would insult Sinbad, cause him physical harm, make him cry, and needlessly ridicule him in the presense of friends, but only now does he do something good for him of his own accord. Does this passage suggest that there could be a loving brother somewhere within Patrick's otherwise mischievious soul? Or did he just wish to spite his teacher by disobeying his order?

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha- Post 2

After reading beyond the passage where Patrick breaks off his toenail, I have concluded that the transition to a completely different topic makes no sense. Is the author trying to convince the reader that absolutely nothing came of this injury? Wouldn't Patrick's parents be hysterical upon their discovery of his missing nail and bloodied foot? Wouldn't this event subsequently lead to a dramatic scene at a hospital? All in all, the author should have either elaborated on what followed this event, or removed the scene entirely.

Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha- Post 1

When Patrick asks his father about the WWIII headline in the newspaper, he reminded me of what I was like when I was younger. When I was 10, I would always speak to my father about topics like war whenever it confused me. Also, like Patrick, the initial question would always lead to a long and varied discussion. Overall, this uncanny resemblence to my childhood is causing me to fell slightly more invested in the story and wanting to see in what otther ways Patrick resembles my 10-year-old self.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 1

Rachel is forced to move in with her grandma after being i the hospital for a while and has the title of the new girl which she feels that title is the key to a new start. Rachel sounds like she is not happy with her dark skin and blue eyes and long hair, this makes girls in her classes not like her but doesn't see her appearence as beauty. As she is growing she is finding herself getting a little more comfortable with the way she looks. I think she will start opening up and getting more comfortable around her grandma and start doing things herslf without needing permission from her grandma, like cutting her hair.

the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime

I predict that chris will get an A on his math exam becuase he practices all the time and is really good at it. Even, though in the book it says he was really tired and couldn't think properly when he was taking it.
Defending Jacob Post 2

I can’t imagine what it’s like to be the son of a murderer and to live your whole life without a father around. This pain and secret is what Andy had to live with his entire life. If people knew his father was a murderer, people would ever look at him the same which isn’t fair but true. Now imagine this secret being revealed to your community because your son is accused of murder. Imagine everyone looking at you is if you are a murderer even though you have done nothing wrong. Andy, who this is all happening to, must fight through this to help Jacob and himself. It is unbelievable to me how people can betray Andy even when he hasn’t done anything and his son is still on trial.  It must be hard to go on with little support and trust which you thought you had from the community and friends. This says a lot how important but rare loyalty is in a friendship.

Paper Towns 1

I think that Paper Towns is an excellent book so far.  A lot of kids should be able to relate to Q and Margo at certain times.  I think that something might happen when the two of them sneak out on May 5th because Margo hasn't come to Quentin's window since they were nine and at the end of the prolouge the last quote was " Margo always loved mysteries. And in everything that came afterward, i could never stop thinking that maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one.''  I feel like this ending had some significance because Margo is always trying to get in trouble whether she's sneaking out or stealing money.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Defending Jacob 3

I never thought that this book would end the way it did. With Laurie, Jacob's own mother purposely trying to take her own and Jacob's life in a car accident. It is impossible to predict a mother giving up on her own child and accusing him of murder like she did. Even if Jacob did commit the crimes he was accused of, a mother should always try to support her son. The ending of the book, "Defending Jacob" is unpredictable and in my opinion, the best book I have read so far. I would recommend it to everyone!

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky

Rachel changes a lot throughout the book.  In the beginning when she moved in with her grandmother, she was an quiet girl who was focused on school and what she needed to accomplish in life.  She feels like she's not where she belongs and thinks that her father will one day return.  It almost seems like when she finally found the letters that her grandmother was hiding, she started to change and become more outgoing.  She started drinking, sleeping with guys, and later in the story having a boyfriend and thinking that she could do whatever she pleased even if it meant going away without telling anyone. So Overall, Rachels personality changes had a big impact on the story and how it changed so much.

The curious Incident of the dog in the night time2

An interesting quote I found in the book was when Christopher says on pg 33, "i think people believe in heaven because they don't like the idea of dying because they want to carry on living and they don't like the idea that other people will move into their house and put their things into the rubbish" I never thought about this before, the idea of why people actually believe in heaven or hell or an afterlife until I heard that from him. He has a very strait forward way of thinking, he talks about the stars in the sky, prime numbers, how much he likes math, and facts. Because heaven is not a fact or something proven, I almost feel like he cannot comprehend to even believe in it.

The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime 1

From what I read so far, I notice that Christopher has a big heart and is often misunderstood as being a sly and sarcastic kid by opposing forces around him, (other than his father), but in reality, he's just doesn't comprehend human interaction and has a social awkwardness to him. I also predict that Mrs. Shears murdered the dog because she refuses to let him investigate the situation any further when he asks her, and she doesn't seem to phased by the fact that the dog is dead, days later.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 3

I don't understand how Rachel's mother could do that to her children. Nella thinks that what she did was okay because she promised that she would never abandon her children after what happened to Charles. But how is what she did any better than leaving them. What she did was very selfish and now Rachel has no mother, brother, or sister because of it. And her father is gone, Aunt Loretta is dead, and her grandmother is not anywhere near being like a mother figure. Rachel seems to be headed down a bad path in life because her boyfriend Jesse seems like a bad influence on her. I think that what Nella did was horrible and selfish and      
I don't understand how Rachel could forgive her.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Defending Jacob Post 1

In Chapter 12 (Confessions) Jacob’s father, Andy, reacts very violently and defensively to his wife’s comments on Jacob’s childhood. I did not like the way he acted in this situation. To me Andy was afraid of his son because he is not being like everyone else. Every time Laurie (Jacob’s mom) remembered a time when Jake was violent Andy always had an explanation for it.  It was either that is what every kid does or it is just a coincidence. Andy never gave Laurie a chance to tell her story because every time she recalled a flaw, Andy would stop and correct her. Andy has to acknowledge her points and the facts and must realize she is not saying Jake is guilty of the crime. Andy’s obsession of Jacob’s murder trial causes Andy to act defensively all the time.  This over defensive stand might hurt his say in court. As a result I predict Andy will sound too protective in court which will cause the jury to not put a lot of weight in his opinion.  

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 2

Rachel uses a "blue bottle" to put all of her emotions in so that people don't see how she really feels. Her life hasn't been easy and she isn't has happy has she might seem to some people. When she gets mad, upset, or has any emotions she doesn't want people to see she puts it in her blue bottle. But the bottle eventually filled up and she finally said how she was feeling to her grandmother. Its not healthy to keep things bottled up just like Rachel did, so I think that after she expressed how she was feeling to her grandmother she felt a lot better.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky 1

When Rachel first moves in with her grandmother it is obvious that she feels very uncomfortable. And when she starts school she realizes that your skin color matters. A lot of the girls find her threatening because she is so different and boys notice her. Also, her eyes are very blue which is pretty uncommon where her grandmother lives. So when people meet her they are immediately drawn to her eyes. Rachel has to learn to adjust to her new lifestyle and in order to make that easier on herself she becomes a "new girl". This makes it easier to talk to people because she doesn't have to think about her past, the new girl can be whoever she wants to be.

A Long Way Down #1

In this stage of the book you begin to learn about each character, Jess, Martin, Maureen, and JJ. They all felt like they were facing their battles alone in the world and had no one besid them but before they knew it they met each other in a spot no one would ever imagine them in, they all had something in common, they felt alone, they felt useless, and unpowerful. They felt as if the only thing that could stop them at the time was to end it all, end everything. Jess, Maureen, Martin, and JJ had spent the whole night of New Years Eve together and made a plan to see each other in six weeks, Valentines Day to see how each of them feel about themselves and their well being.

Defending Jacob 1

At this point in the story before the trial, all the evidence points towards Jacob. Jacob has the knife in his drawer and also they found his fingerprint on Ben's shirt. Jacob's dad seems determined to show that Leonard Patz was the real killer, even though nothing really points towards him. If Jacob's dad can find some evidence on why Patz coould have done it, maybe the thoughts will switch and Jacob will be found innocent.

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky

At this point in the story I'm sensing that Rachel is a bit confused and telling bits and pieces of things that went on in her life before she moved with her grandmother.  She starts to remember things that happened the night of the building accident and also is starting to change a lot based on what she's wearing or who she is talking to or like.  As I finish up the book I'm eager to find out what happens to Rachel and how all of this starts to come to an end.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Long Way Down 3

After finishing the book I am still left with so many questions. I think that a lot more should have happened at the end. It's almost like they ended up right back where they started, on the roof. Except now they had a much better understanding of things. Each one of them realized that life was to precious to end so quickly and everything gets better eventually. I was just hoping to find out a little bit more about the characters, if Martin and Penny were together, if Jess's sister Jen ever came back, if JJ got a good job or went back to school, and if Maureen was happy. But it just ended with them being on the roof where everything started in the first place.

A Long Way Down 2

Each character seems to be trying to solve other people's problems. JJ wanted to make Maureen happy so they went on vacation. Maureen and Jess went to go and talk to Martin's ex-wife. And Maureen told Jess's parents that she most likely didn't take the Jen's earrings. By not focusing on their own problems they have something to do and that gives them a reason to live. So through out the book they have been keeping each other alive. A lot of times it seems like they might not like each other, but I definitely think that they all have a great appreciation for each other.

Click to feed the fish!

Just to further distract you from getting your summer work done, I added fish to the blog! Just click anywhere in the light blue water to drop food for the fish to eat. Add a comment to this post if you'd like to see more fish or different color fish.

#3 The Girl Who Fell from the Sky

I'm glad Rachel finally remembered what had happened up on the roof. I think in the end, she came to the conclusion that this was one thing Mor couldn't protect her family from. She knew her mom loved her. I feel like she needed to tell somebody what had happened that day so she could move on. I still wonder if Brick had told her what Roger wanted her to know, besides that he used to live in Chicago too. I also wonder what the exact reason for her father not being there is. I would think it's a good one because he seems to care about Rachel a lot. It was a surprise to me when Rachel finally revealed what she remembered. This whole time I figured somebody had pushed the family. It was a homicide case. It was really Mor that had done it. I guess I didn't suspect the mother to be a victim because, well, she's a mother. What mom would push her kids, including herself, over the edge? She did it to protect the family because she did not know any other way to keep her babies safe from everything harmful in the world. This novel made you think a lot throughout the story. From growing up, to right and wrong, and to the meaning of love. I recommend this to any young adult who likes mysteries. The Girl Who Fell from the Sky- literally.

A Long Way Down 3

After finishing A Long Way Down, I was a little shocked. I didn't like the ending because it left me wondering but overall I thought the novel was good and worth reading. Before reading this, I never thought about someone committing suicide and how much people have to hold on their shoulders. These people have gone through things that I would have never even thought about. Now I am curious about whether or not the characters killed themselves are stayed together and fought through their hard times. I am hoping that they all lived and stayed close friends even though they suffered through many differences with each other. In my opinion, they need one another to survive.

the curious case if the dog in the night time part 2

This is what happens when you lie about something as big as saying that your mother died rather than to have left. If Christopher's father had told him the truth in the beginning Christopher wouldn't hate him and would not have ran away.

A Long Way Down 2

I predict that in the end of A Long Way Down, they four characters will all survive their depression period. They will all benefit each other and help one another out. Maureen, Jess, JJ, and Martin will continue on being friends and hold their special and unique bond that they have created. I also think that Jess' sister, Jen, might tie into the book somewhere along the way. They might all be holding onto a deep secret that will be revealed at the end of the novel.

A Long Way Down 1

I have just begun reading A Long Way Down. This far into the novel, I have noticed that this novel relates to the movie, The Breakfast Club. In the book, the four main characters think that their lives have come to nothing. They are arguing and assuming that they have nothing in common with one another. They seem to look by the fact that they are all standing on top of a building trying to commit suicide. In The Breakfast Club, the characters are also said to have nothing in common, but they are all in Saturday detention together. In the end, they come to the conclusion that their lives are not as far apart as they thought. And they actually realized each others' problems were worse than their own individual issues. I predict that this same ending may occur in A Long Way Down. Maybe they will start to understand that they should not be feeling bad for themselves, because there are people out there going through much worse. They might also discover that their lives are truly worth living.

Defending Jacob 3

I have just finished reading Defending Jacob, and to me the ending was the most shocking part of the whole story. After letting myself process what I had read, I realized that Laurie had an unhinged layer in her personality. Not that she was psychotic, but more like she has a crack in her protective shell as a mother, and it just continued to grow bigger and deeper until she finally just broke under all of the pressure and stress of Jacob’s trial and the incident in Jamaica. At one time Laurie was just like every other mother. She loved her family, wanted the best for her kid, and always put them first in their time of need. However, when Jacob was accused of murder, the weight of the world began to weigh on her shoulders. She was exposed to new level of stress as time passed, and she probably felt alone when dark secrets of her family were revealed to her such as Andy’s family’s past, and Jacobs disturbing personality. I do believe that she was healing after the trial was officially over and they took their vacation as a family. However, when the incident occurred in Jamaica, the memories of those feelings came rushing back and she remembered the painful and lonely nights where she and Andy bickered, the stress and worry of keeping Jacob safe, and the media attention that would eventually push her over the edge. That was her breaking point. So instead of trying to heal herself and let her family help her through it, she decided that the cracks in her shell were already too deep and big. No matter how much she healed, they would always be there as scars for a reminder of how much pain she was in, and how she never wants to feel that way again.

Defending Jacob 2

In the beginning of the book when I was introduced to the character Neal Loguidice, I thought he was intelligent, selfless, and charming. Now I am reading the part of the story where he is at Jacob’s trial, and instead of using the adjectives selfless and charming, I would rather describe him as ignorant and proud. No, he is not the type of proud where he is confident and noble, but the type of proud where he is stuck up and self-centered. To me, when he is in the courtroom, he tries too hard so he ends up looking flashy and overexposed. For example, his beginning statement on the first day of the trial was long and not needed. He rambled and basically was putting on a show for the jurors. It was just obnoxious. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t try to win the jury over when it’s your time to talk, but it would be much simpler if he had just laid it out short, easy, and to the point. This is why I prefer Jonathan’s character, who was Jacob’s lawyer, over Loguidice. Jonathan was simple and his questions to the witnesses were clear and to the point. However, Loguidice would stretch the questions out, making sure to squeeze out every little detail even if it was irrelevant. He was constantly being objected by Jonathan, and even decided to go against the rules by throwing in a question about Andy’s past which the judge had forbidden for him to do. This showed that Neal would do anything in his power to win the case. I must admit, it showed he was incredibly persistent, but to me he lacked the structural support that would enable him to be a good defense lawyer. It was him who suggested Andy to be taken off of the case, and when he was put onto it, it almost seemed like he refused to take in some of Jacob’s evidence into consideration. Of course, the evidence he decided not to think about was all but the ones that made him look guilty.

Defending Jacob 1

When introduced to the murder gene by Andy, I wasn’t surprised for the most part. A part of me was shocked, because it’s hard to believe that the assistant district attorney would have had this gene passed down to him by his father. Andy is hardworking, optimistic (for the most part), and he believes that there is a good side to every person, even if they have committed a crime. However, when Jacob was accused and the murder gene was explained along with Andy’s family’s history of violence, I wasn’t in total shock. I didn’t expect it, but when it was revealed it seemed like just another puzzle piece missing from the picture. Jacob is shy, and to me, he has a dark and mysterious aspect about him. My suspicions grew as I learned the disturbing and sickening things he did in his spare time.

a long way down 1

A Long Way Down

Something I found interesting was the relationship between Jess and Martin. Even though they fight and argue most of the time, and if not that they're still disagreeing on something, I feel like they both need eachother. When everyone goes to shoreditch and Jess freaks out on Maureen, Martin takes her outside and screams at her, almost like a parent would to a child. But it's the fact that he even cares enough to scold her, that makes me believe he really cares about her. I've only gotten to page 103, but at one point Jess offers to "chase after her(Penny) and tell her that Martin hadn't been with anyone else" and even though Martin denies it, she still offers, which is a sign that she might even care about his problems as well as her own.

Monday, July 16, 2012

ghosts of war

I cannot believe how devistating the battle in the chapter "The Town That Achmed Built" war. The author explains it like the battle but the whole city to ruins when it actually only effected a small area.

#2 The Girl Who Fell from the Sky

At first I didn't really think I would like The Girl Who Fell from the Sky but it is becoming more and more suspenseful as I am finding out clues one by one as to what had happened on that day up on the roof. I am a bout sixty percent done with the reading and things just got up close and personal. Rachel is portraying a major character change. When she first got to her grandma's she was shy, didn't have much to say, always listened and followed directions, and wore church clothes. I was completely shocked when she tried to kiss Drew, and even more so when she yelled at her grandmother about what she said about her mom. Now she is wearing tighter clothes and is a lot more interested in boys. What will happen next, I'm not quite sure but I'm eager to find out. Hopefully soon she will see why her father can't visit her. I believe it will be awkward for Rachel around her grandma and also Drew. She's starting to remember bits and pieces to what happened before the accident. Now all she wants to know is the truth and I feel it is going to be a journey to get to that point.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky 1

I cannot imagine how Rachel feels in this story because she lost her mother, brother, and sister to death after they all mysteriously fell from their apartment building, leaving her as the only survivor. Also, she had to move in with her grandma and her Aunt Loretta, both of which she was not familiar with, because her father works in the military. Rachel basically had to start her life all over again in a place she didn't really know much about. I do not think I could ever survive such a dramatic change like Rachel because I would feel guilty being the only survivor in my family. I also would not be very comfortable living with people who I don't really know, like Rachel was forced to. She is a very strong girl.

Defending Jacob 2

One way I can relate to this book and the main characters in it, like Andy and Jacob is that I too have an ancestor in my family with the same characteristics as the ancestors of Andy and Jacob. His name was Shahin Matraku. He lived in Albania in the late 1,800s, and at that time the country was really poor. He kidnapped and held people hostage until he was paid. He was the leader of a group of people who worked for him. In 1884 he kidnapped an agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society. The man lived and wrote his story. The book he wrote is called "Captured by Brigands". The book is the reason why I know so much about my ancestor Shahin Matraku. In my opinion thought, I do not believe Shahin was a murderer or passed "the murder gene" (which is talked about in "Defending Jacob"). I think that Shahin did what he had to do to feed his family in those difficult times.

the curious incident of the dog in the night-time

Why did the father think it was a good idea to keep the letters from Christopher? Christopher had the right to know that his mother was still alive and that she was writing him letters. The fact that the father kept the letters from him is extremely messed up. If I found out that my mother was still alive and living in London after my father told me she was dead for all of these years, I'd never forgive my father even if it was for my own protection. That not something you could keep from your child, and eventually they will find out the hard way whether you mean it to happen or not.

#1 The Girl Who Fell from the Sky

The novel so far is interesting. I like how the author switches the tenses around. For example: talking about how Rachel was in the hospital in the past and then bringing it up again later in the novel. but in the present ( if that makes sense ). The way the book is written, it is a bit difficult to follow the story but is becoming clearer as I proceed. I also like how the author gives you a little bit of background/new information then moves on to a different character's prospective. It makes you think and wonder about what the information could be linked to or what it has to do with the situation. Then just when you forget about it, she brings it back up again. The author's techniques are different. I find the whole story with Rachel in the hospital then living with her grandma and aunt while her dad is off doing who knows what is what is keeping me drawn in. I would really love to know why Roger is dangerous to the point where he thinks it is better to stay away from his own daughter to keep her safe. Maybe he is an alcoholic since he was drinking in the hospital when she got sick, so when he drinks he gets violent? I would also like to know what the little boy Charles has to do with any of the plot because he has only been mentioned once but what about now? What had happened to him after the fire? There is a good amount of mystery here and a bunch of questions I am hoping to have answered!

the curious incident of the dog in the night-time part 1

I can imagine what it's like to be Christopher's father. Always telling him not to do certain things but then he goes out and does them anyways even after promising not to. He also makes up a lot of excuses of when and why he can break his promise.

A Long Way Down 1

The characters have a special bond throughout the whole book because they have something in common, they each want to kill themselves. Even though each persons problem is very different, it doesn't matter. The first time that I noticed the bond between them was when Jess wanted to go find her boyfriend and everyone left the roof to go and find him. This was really special because they were all a bunch of strangers but were helping each other out from the start. 

A Long Way Down

I don't think it was a wise choice of JJ's to lie about why he was about to kill himself. Although the three other people are technically strangers, I have a feeling that they are going to be a very signifcant part of his life throughout the story. The longer he waits to tell the others his real problem the more angry or hurt they may feel when he comes out with the truth.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time

I finished reading the book, but I felt disappointed because some people spoiled the ending so I knew what was going to happen. I hope that Chris will develop a close relationship with the dog and the family. Maybe the dog will help him come out of his 'world' and socialize better with those around him.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

So far while reading the very beginning of The Girl Who Fell From The Sky I am a bit confused on what the girls background information is and what her life was before she moved with her Aunt Loretta and Grandma.  Also, i couldn't imagine being put in her shoes having to move all the time, meet new people, and get made fun of all the time.  She seems to not want to be living with her Grandma and at points her Grandma embarrasses her and makes her feel not wanted.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Post 3

I think one of Christopher’s biggest downfalls throughout the whole story is his fear of not knowing what is going to happen. Christopher does not like unpredictability.  He panics when things do not go according to plan. I like order and want to know things ahead a time as well but not to the extreme of Christopher.  This flaw will keep him from being really successful in the business world and the real world for that matter. The reason is in life or in the business world there are new challenges, disappointments, and change happening all the time.    These “unknowns” would put Christopher into a panic. Christopher’s comment on the top of page 215 explains it all, “But I think it is worst if you don’t know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing which is going to happen.”  This statement confirms Christopher’s need for planning and knowing what is going to happen.  I predict this trait will make his adult life extremely difficult because life is full of unpredictability and surprises.

The girl who fell from the sky- post 1

So far I have read like eight pages into this book and I am slightly confused as to why this young girl(main character) is living with her grandma. So I'm assuming that maybee the little girls mom died, and maybee that forced this little girl to live with her grandma

The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime 3

I'm so glad that Chris's father got him a dog, because it showed that his dad really wanted to fix things between him and Chris. I'm also glad that Chris got an A on his math.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime

I was so surprised and sad to read that Chris's father had killed the dog, and lied about mother dieing. I felt so bad for Chris because he thought that his mom died but in fact she didn't, she just left.

The curiouser incident of the dog in the nighttime 1

I predict that Christopher's father will find out that he is asking people who killed the dog, and the father will get upset at Chris

Paper Towns 3

Throughout this whole book, the outstanding metaphors stood out to me the most. It made me not only think about the characters in the book, but also people anywhere around the world. The metaphors that stood out to me the most are the balloon metaphor (pg. 104-105), the cracking vessel metaphor (pg. 302 ), and the metaphor throughout the whole book about paper people and paper towns. The balloon metaphor is interpreted in my own life because I am the balloon sometimes. I get fed up with things and go to friends for support. Even though I have it hard the friend I'm venting to always has more on their plate. They have to help deal with my problems when they, too, have their own problems they have to face. The next metaphor, the vessel, reminds me of just life in general. Everyone is born a vessel and as we grow up, things change. Some people either lose a relative, lose a friend, or even like I did, move out of your hometown and lose a lot of friends. Even though it was 6 years ago, my vessel is cracked because all my childhood memories are over an hour away, and I no longer get to laugh over our past with the people I shared the memories with. Finally, the paper metaphor is the most important reference. All book long, Margo mentioned paper towns and paper people. Here in Watertown, all you hear is people -mainly girls- calling each other "fake." Fake is just another word for paper. When Margo says, "I look down and thought about how I was made of paper. I was the flimsy-foldable person, not everyone else." This made me realize clearer that not the people who are called fake, but the people who call people fake are actually the ones "made of paper." 

All in all, Paper Towns was one of the best books I've read. It was suspenseful, connectable, and extremely well plotted. I would recommend this book to any young adult reader.